Rules to Correctly Use Apostrophe in English Writing

Being a writer you might have experienced that whenever you are dealing with punctuation it will help you out to sort the content. But when it comes to Apostrophe, the one thing that will confuse you even when you are a native English Speaker. But you need to worry now as we bring some of the important things that will help you master the punctuations. You will notice that it isn’t that difficult to remember the rules and master it.

As per the English Grammar, Apostrophe will serve two basic functions which are to show possession and others will be to indicate letters and have them removed to form a contraction. In this process, you could a new form of the original word.

Now we will begin with examining the apostrophe at the work and then how to use them along with the guidelines.

4 Rules to Correctly Use Apostrophe in Your English Writings

It was noticed by most of the writers that it is not necessary to form plural nouns or possessive nouns along with adjectives. Some times you come across a story where you could see a lot of use of Apostrophe which is being used for multiple purposes.

1. How To Use Apostrophe Rule To Show Possession:

You would find that it is difficult to show possessiveness without the use of the apostrophe. Let’s see some examples which will help you understand the complete meaning of the punctuation and how they can be used.

The use of Apostrophe + S to show that one person or thing owns something or he/she is the rightful member of it. For instance, you can see the example below:

  • Moina’s ballet classes will be held tomorrow
  • Danish’s Car is in the garage.
  • Can you bring me a towel from Lisa’s room

You will notice that the ‘s’ in the end is used to make them possessive which you can show it in either way:

  • Ross’
  • Ross’s

By looking at the words the meaning of them does not change. It will make no difference whether the item is owned in singular or plural forms.


2. To Use An Apostrophe After The ‘s’ at the end of a Plural Noun to show possession.

  • You can sleep in the Parents’ room for a while
  • You might play under nineteens’ section during the match.

So, you can understand that it is not necessary to add the ‘s’ to the end of the plural noun. You can just put the punctuation mark to show the possession.


3. What would you do if the plural form does not end in the plural form at the end?

In case the plural noun does not end with ‘s’ in the end you can add the punctuation mark along with ‘s’ to create the possessive form.

  • You must not enter the children’s room today
  • Have you ever been in people’s committee in a while ago?

In such cases, we can see that the plural nouns do not end with the letter ‘s’. Hence when there is no ‘s’ in the end you can add it along with the punctuation mark.


4. To Use Apostrophe Rule For Contractions:

In English Grammar, there is only one rule for apostrophe and contractions.

When you will combine two words to make a contraction, you will always take out some letters from the existing words and replace them by using an apostrophe. For example,

  • They + Have = They’ve
  • They + Are = They’re
  • Are + Not = Aren’t



So now you know that it is not difficult to work with punctuations even if it is an apostrophe. Still, if you have any doubts regarding the usage of the words then you can get back to us through our comment section. EnglishBix will be happy to help you.

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