Learning Spanish ordinal numbers is really useful. Especially if you wish to learn Spanish. It is easy to learn because of the likeliness it has with English. And, they are adjectives. Ordinal numbers are used when you write dates or list out something. So, here are the numbers from 1-100.
List of Ordinal Numbers in Spanish
1. Numbers from 1-10 with Usage
These numbers are unique. All other numbers are formed using them therefore, it is important to remember them. So, here is a list of the numbers from 1-10:
English | Spanish |
First | Primero |
Second | Segundo |
Third | Tercero |
Fourth | Cuarto |
Fifth | Quinto |
Sixth | Sexto |
Seventh | Séptimo |
Eighth | Octavo |
Ninth | Noveno |
Tenth | Décimo |
The only oddity here is Primero and Tercero which becomes primer and tercer when used before singular and masculine nouns. For example:
- El Primer luchador (The first wrestler) and, El Tercer coche (The third car)
2. Numbers from 11-20 with Formula
As you can see, here are the teen numbers, and they’re formed using the earlier numbers.
So, the formula for remembering this is: Decimo + Number (1-10)
English | Spanish |
Eleventh | Decimoprimero |
Twelfth | Decimosegundo |
Thirteenth | Decimotercero |
Fourteenth | Decimocuarto |
Fifteenth | Decimoquinto |
Sixteenth | Decimosexto |
Seventeenth | Decimoséptimo |
Eighteenth | Decimoctavo |
Nineteenth | Decimonoveno |
The exception here is decimoctavo, where one ‘o’ is removed so that the sound is maintained or it may sound different with two ‘o’s’ in it.
But, it is okay to write the numbers with a space between them, for example:
- Sixteenth: Decimo sexto
The gender must also be cleared while using the numbers in a sentence. Numbers used before masculine nouns must end with ‘o’ and feminine nouns must end with ‘a’.
3. Numbers from 20-100 with Example
These numbers can be divided by ten and are used before all the numbers from twenty to ninety-nine.
English | Spanish |
Twentieth | vigésimo |
Thirtieth | trigésimo |
Fortieth | cuadragésimo |
Fiftieth | quincuagésimo |
Sixtieth | sexagésimo |
Seventieth | septuagésimo |
Eightieth | octogésimo |
Ninetieth | nonagésimo |
Hundredth | centésimo |
Thus, it is very easy to form numbers between the twentieth and ninety-ninth using these numbers. So, here is an example
- eighty-second: octogésimo Segundo
Parting Words
So, these were the Spanish ordinal numbers from 1-100. But some things need to be remembered. Like the number should end with ‘o’ when used before a masculine noun and ‘a’ when used before a feminine noun.
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