The English language is our official international language and its significance is increasing with technological advancement. Just like English, there are other languages that are equally important. Spanish and French languages have equal significance. So if you are a Spanish language learner then you have come to the write place.
If you wish to learn basic Spanish words for greetings or vacation, directions, number, shopping, weather or food, then you can enhance your Spanish vocabulary with these lessons. These words would be really beneficial when you are traveling to a Spanish speaking country and within the Spanish-Speaking environment. It can be really challenging, but with these basic words, you could interact with Spanish localities very comfortably. You would find this resource useful and interesting.
Basic Spanish Words and Phrases for Conversation
Here is a list of basic Spanish words and phrases that will help you get started with speaking and communicating in Spanish.
Spanish | English |
adiós | goodbye |
bien, gracias / muy bien | well, thanks / very well |
bienvenidos | welcome |
buenas noches | good evening, good night |
buenas tardes | good afternoon |
buenos días | good morning |
chao | goodbye |
¿cómo está Ud.? | how are you? (formal) |
¿cómo estás? | how are you? (familiar) |
¿cómo se llama Ud.? | what’s your name? (formal) |
¿cómo te llamas? | what’s your name? (familiar) |
con permiso | pardon me, excuse me |
conversación (la) | conversation |
¿de dónde eres? | where are you from? (familiar) |
¿de dónde es Ud.? | where are you from? (formal) |
de nada | you’re welcome |
el gusto es mío | the pleasure is mine |
encantado | pleased to meet you |
gracias / muchas gracias | thank you / thank you very much |
hasta la vista | see you later, until we see one another again |
hasta luego | see you later |
hasta mañana | see you tomorrow |
hasta pronto | see you soon |
hola | hello, hi |
igualmente | likewise |
le presento a— | I would like to introduce you to— (formal) |
lo siento | I’m sorry |
me llamo | my name is |
mucho gusto | pleased to meet you |
no hay de qué | no worries, nothing to worry about |
no muy bien | not very well |
nos vemos | see you |
perdón | pardon me, excuse me |
¿qué hay de nuevo? | what’s new? |
¿qué hora es? | what time is it? |
¿qué pasa? | what’s happening? |
¿qué tal? | what’s going on? how’s it going? |
saludos | greetings |
señor, Sr. (el) | gentleman, sir, Mr. |
señora, Sra. (la) | lady, adult woman, Mrs. |
señorita, Srta. (la) | young lady, Miss |
soy de— | I’m from— |
te presento a— | I would like to introduce to you to (familiar) |
¿y tú? | and you? (familiar) |
¿y Ud.? | and you? (formal) |
These Spanish words and phrases would prove useful to you when you are traveling to Spain. It does not matter whether you are traveling for business or going on a vacation. With these small phrases, you can boost small and interesting conversation with local Spanish people. Stay tuned to Englishbix for more interesting language learning process.