Aiming to build a strong English Vocabulary can be one of the profitable investment of your time and efforts. If you put at least fifteen minutes every day on learning new words will bring a rapid change and improvement in the vocabulary skills which would have the ability to improvise your communication, conversation and making speeches.

Having a good command on a large vocabulary can benefit you in school, sometimes at work, and also socially. With this, you will be able to understand others’ ideas in a better and effective way.
Let’s move ahead by checking out some basic steps to a better vocabulary.
1. Practice 10 New Words Each Day
It is quite obvious that you already know thousands of words but always aim to keep learning more and more. It does not matter which place you are. Keep a small book of word power or a pocket dictionary and start reading whenever you get free or leisure time. This way you can also make good use of your time. But the fact is, till now whatever words you were probably learning were all quite simple and come across while you are reading, having a conversation, or while watching TV. With this way, you increase the pace of your learning with a consistent and dedicated approach. If you focus on learning only one new word each day for around the next three years, then you will have about a thousand new words in your vocabulary. And if you decide to learn around 10 new words each day, then by the end of the year you would have added about 3000 words. TIll then you would have established a lifetime habit of learning and self-improvement, self-motivation.
It’s true that you won’t be getting any magical shortcuts to learn new words. But understand the fact that the larger your vocabulary, the easier it would be for you to connect with new words. So, with your learning speed or pace, you should increase the number of words you learning every day.
2. Don’t Skip The Unfamiliar Words
Sometimes, people get surprised when you tell them that they have a small vocabulary. And what do you get in protest?, that they read all the time. But we must understand that reading alone would not help you to increase your vocabulary. While you are busy reading a novel, you might have a strong urge to get involved with the story and complete it to know the entire storyline. In this process, you sometimes skip unfamiliar words or vaguely known words.
You get a dictionary when the word is completely unknown to you. So the advice here would be not to avoid these unfamiliar words, instead, take a closer look at them.
3. Guess The Meaning Using Context
You can follow a simple procedure, first, try to guess the meaning of the word from its context (sense of the passage in which it appears). If you have a dictionary at hand, have a look at the meaning of the word immediately. Yes, you might get slow down with the procedure, but it will help you in the long run. Moreover, eventually, your speed will improve and make it easier for you to read anything and everything.
You must make it your daily practice of noting down the words of interest and keep studying it, keep reading new books, newspapers; listening to the radio, having a conversation with all your friends and watching News channel on television.
4. Develop A Good Habit Of Reading
If you have become aware of your words, the next step would be to increase the knowledge of the words by inculcating the habit of reading. It is the way you will find most of the words that you need to learn. It is also the best way to keep a check on yourself.
5. Using Good Dictionary and Reference
A large number of people know how to use a dictionary, and how to look up a word’s meaning. Apply these tips to know how to do a vocabulary building program.
- Keep a pocket dictionary whenever you are reading something.
- Mark the word/ Highlight/ Encircle the words that you wish to learn or know the meaning.
6. You Must Study and Review Your Words (Revise the previous words)
If you have become well versed with the procedure, then vocabulary building is simply a matter of reviewing different words on a regular basis and put them in your memory.
So, now you know how to build a strong vocabulary with the use of different words, how to make use of a pocket dictionary. EnglishBix will always motivate you to keep on working with good words.