The Outsiders Vocabulary for Chapters 1 to 12

The Outsiders is a novel written in 1967, by a well-known young adult American writer S.E. Hinton. This novel tells the story of a 14-year-old Pony boy Curtis and his two older brothers, Soda and Darry. These boys are orphans and struggle to remain together in their lower-class neighborhood, which is known as the East Side. They and their friends are associated with a gang of tough professional street boys, which are known by the name – The Greasers.

The Outsiders Vocabulary Words

Following are the vocabulary words with meanings used in The Outsiders novel:

assetan advantage or source of strength.
unfathomablenot capable of being understood or grasped.
rivalrya continued striving for advantage over another
gingerlycautiously; carefully
sagelywisely; knowingly
roguishlyin a mischievous way.
incredulousnot ready to believe;  doubting.
nonchalantlyin a casual and  unenthusiastic manner
digestedthought over,  absorbed. 
sophisticatedexperienced in worldly ways
aloofnessthe state of being uninterested  and unsympathetic
elitesuperior; top
resignedlypatiently accepting; in an  unresisting way
embera glowing piece of wood, coal, etc
apprehensiveanxious or fearful; uneasy
defianceopen, bold resistance to authority
contemptousscornful; despising
sheepishacting embarrassed or ashamed
premonitiona feeling that something is  about to occur
imploringlyin a pleading, begging manner
sullenlyin a gloomy, silent, surly way
huecolor, especially a tint or shade
subsideto sink back or down; become  lower
eludeto escape understanding; baffle
wistfullylongingly; in a wishful manner
doggedlyin a stubborn or persistent way
convictionstrong belief
detacheduninvolved; indifferent;  disinterested
rackingagonizing; tormenting
radiateto send out rays; to beam or shine
manslaughterunlawfully killing another  without planning in advance
brawnstrength; physical power
recurringoccurring again and again
aghastshocked; horrified; terrified
exploitdaring act or heroic deed
falteredspoke hesitantly; stammered
jetblack, usually high polished
divertdraw to another direction; turn from  its course
conformityacting according to general rules  or standards
ruefullyregretfully; sorrowfully
tautnot slack; pulled tight
contractto draw together; shrink
strickentortured; agonized; heartbroken
deliriouswildly irrational; mentally  wandering
claddressed; wearing
idolizedadored; worshipped; blindly  admired
hearingan appearance in front of a judge  before trial
guardianprotector; one who watches over  another
flinchingwithdrawing or shrinking from

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