Two and Three Letter Blends Word List in Phonics

In English grammar or in the English language, you would find a lot of constructed words of many different sounds – Vowels and consonants, long vowels and short vowels. These blends are also called clusters. 

Digraphs are formed when two letters that make one sound. Blends are formed when two or more consonants that BLEND together but each sound can still be heard eg. st, pl . Blends are also called consonant clusters, and there is a whole article devoted to them.

When you are talking about the Two or Three Letter Blends then it is mostly referring to the consonant blends.

Two Letter Blends Words List

Following is a list of two letter consonant and vowel blends to teach in your class.

BlBlend, bland, blue, black, blanket, bleach, blood, blast, blatant, blame, bluebird, bleak, blaze, blind, block
ClClick, clam, clean, claim, class, clap, clay, close, clash, clothes, climb, cling, clock
CrCrab, crumb, crib, cry, crank, crow, crew, crazy, create, credit, creature
DrDraw, dream, drain, dress, drone, drink, drag, dragon, drop, drawer, dry
FrFrom, freezer, free, freedom, frozen, frighten, friend, fruit, freak
GlGlad, glamor, glasses, glass, glaze, glee, glitter, globe, glove, glue
GrGrade, great, grocery, grueling, grape, grass, grandparent, grapefruit, grease, gravity
PlPlace, plan, play, plant, please, plenty, plus, plywood, plate, plum, plumber
PrPractice, prove, pretzel, prevent, private, press, price, pride, promise
ScSchool, scribble, scale, score, scrap, scratch, schedule
SkSkunk, skate, skinny, skeleton, ski, skill, skin, sketch, sky
SlSlick, slack, sleigh, sleeve, sleek, sled, slot, slice, slim, slime, slow, slot, sleep
SmSmall, smart, smear, smash, smell, smitten, smog, smock
SnSnack, snail, snare, sneak, snore, snake, snob, snow, sneeze, snap
SpSpace, spot, sphere, splash, speak, spend, splurge, sport, special, splendid, splinter, sprout, sprain, spray, spank, sprawl, spirit, sprint, sprung, spry
StStair, step, stop, stare, store, stage, story, steak, stand, star, steam, stone, strike, strange, strain, strong, straight, street, study
SwSweet, swan, sworn, swallow, sweat, swing, swim, swamp, sweater, swollen, switch
TrTruck, try, trust, tray, tree, trail, train, track, traffic, trade, trash, travel, treat, true
TwTwinkle, tweet, tweezer, twelve, twice, twenty, twirl, twist, twine

Three-Letter Blend Words List

Following is a list of common 3 letter consonant and vowel blends to teach your kids.

SchSchedule, schematic, scheme, scherzo, schism, schizophrenic, schlep, schlock, schmooze, scholar, scholarship, scholastic, school, schoolroom, schooner, schwa
ShrShrank, shrapnel, shred, shrew, shrewd, shriek, shrift, shrill, shrimp, shrine, shrinkShrivel, shroud, shrub, shrug, shrunk
SplSplash, splashdown, splat, splatter, splay, spleen, splendid, splendor, splice, splintSplinter, split, splotchy, splurge, splurt, splutter
SquSquab, squabble, squad, squadron, squalidSquall, squalor, squander, squareSquash, squat, squawk, squeak, squealSqueamish, squeegee, squeezeSquelch, squib, squid, squiggle, squint, squire, squirm, squirrel, squirt, squish
ThrThrash, thread, threat, three, thresher, threw, thrice, thrift, thriller, thrive, throat, throb, throne, throng, throttle, through, throw, thrush, thrust
SprSprain, sprang, sprawlSpray, spread, spreadsheet, spree, sprigSpring, springboard, springbok, springtime, sprinkle, sprinkler, sprint, sprite, spritz, spritzer, sprocket, sprout, spruce, sprungspry
ScrScram, scramble, scrap, scrapbook, scrape, scrappy, scratch, scrawl, scrawny, scream, screech, screen, screenwriter, screw, screwball, screwdriver, scribble, scribe, scrimmage, scrimp, scrimshaw, scrip, script, scripture, scroll, scrooge, scrounge, scrub, scruffy, scrunch, scruples, scrutinize, scrutiny
SphSphagnum, sphere, spherical, spheroid, sphincter, sphinx

You can downlaod the following image and use it as a quick reference guide for 2 and 3 letter blends.


At the end of this amazing session, you would be surprised to know these are not the only words of the list. You would find more and more different words to the digraphs and trigraphs which are given here. If you wish to share some more words then you can do that through the comment section. Till then stay tuned to our blog section. 

Keep exploring EnglishBix for more quality resources on phonics and its concepts for your primary kids.

Quick Links

  1. Vowel Blend Words List for Kids
  2. Consonant and Vowel Digraphs in Phonics
  3. Blending Words List for Kindergarten

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