Hunting Terms: Vocabulary Words for Hunters

Hunting is a sport that involves the search, pursuit, and killing of wild animals and birds. In modern times hunting is primarily practiced with firearms, but also with bows and arrows.

For early humans, hunting was a necessity. It not only provided food from killing animals and birds, but also making clothes from the dead animal skins and as well making tools from bones, horns and hooves.

Both archaeological evidence from the past and observations of simpler societies today show widespread preoccupation and ingenuity in hunting methods. These varied and change according to the nature of the terrain, the game being hunted, the ingenuity and ingenuity of the hunters and the materials and technologies at their disposal. Weapons ranged in complexity and efficiency from the sticks and stones used to kill birds.

A blowgun or poisoned arrow blowgun is one of the hunter’s deadliest weapons. Camouflage and disguises were used to conceal the early hunter, who also used snares, traps, pits, decoys, baits, and poisons.

Dogs were probably trained to hunt as early as the Neolithic and began to be bred for special skills. The horse was adapted for hunting in the 2nd millennium.

Weapons are selected according to the specific need you are looking for. High-powered rifles are used for big hunting, except that in some areas deer regulations require the use of a slug-firing shotgun. Shotguns are used for shooting waterfowl and other game birds and most small animals, although squirrel hunters prefer the .22 rifle.

Hunting Vocabulary Words List

Following is a list of words that beginner hunters should know:

Angler Hawker Ran sacker
Animal Herne Searcher
Animal Of Prey Horse Seeker
Archer Horseman Shikari
Artemis Horsewoman Shooter
Beast Of Prey Hound Sportsman
Beater Hound-Dog Stalker
Big Game Hunt Stalking-Horse
Bottle Green Hunting Horse Steed
Bowman Hunting Watch Striver
Carnivore Hunting-Dog Toxophilite
Catcher Huntress Trapper
Chaser Huntsman Venator
Chasseur Inquirer Venerer


Courser Investigator Walker
Coveter Jaeger Wallace
Deerstalker Knight Woodsman
Delver Loden Fisher
Diana Marine Green Fisherman
Dog Marksman Forest
Equine Meat Eater Fox
Evergreen Mount Foxhound
Explorer Nimrod Poacher
Falconer Pigsticker Pursuant
Ferreter Piscator Pursuer
Rabbit Hound Quester

To be a successful hunter, you have to think like a predator. A successful hunter can predict the very next movement of the animal he is chasing. This intimate knowledge of the game you are hunting can only be gained by spending hours in the stand, collecting cam images and scouting in season.

The related words for hunter, such as: poacher, hound, huntsman, huntress, nimrod, big game hunter, falconer, seeker, pig tag, animal and stalker.

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  1. Fishing Terms and Phrases For Beginner Fisherman
  2. Hobbies and Interests Vocabulary Words