Voiced consonants are consonant sounds that are made by vibrating the vocal cords. They can be compared with unvoiced consonants.
Voiceless consonants do not use the vocal cords to produce their hard, percussive sounds. Instead, they’re slack, allowing air to flow freely from the lungs to the mouth, where the tongue, teeth, and lips engage to modulate the sound.
Look below to learn more about voiced and voiceless consonant sounds.
Voiced Consonant Sounds: b, d, g, j, l, m, n, ng, r, sz, th, v, w, y, z.
Voiceless Consonant Sounds: ch, h, f, k, p, s, sh, t, th.
Examples of Voiced Consonant Sound Words
Bar | Bay | Base | Bat |
Big | Bear | Berry | Bit |
Buy | Bet | Bland | Blank |
Board | Bill | But | Break |
Bore | Bride | Bull | Bye |
Dear | Debt | Dive | Dob |
Dot | Dug | Dump | Dust |
Dale | Day | Dig | Din |
Dunk | Dab | Dangle | Dell |
Dink | Dock | Doss | Dissed |
Go | Get | Give | Good |
Girl | Group | Government | Game |
Grow | Germ | Gel | Gem |
Generate | Gentle | Grudge | Gist |
Giraffe | Giant | Ginseng | Generally |
Jam | Jar | Jaw | Jeans |
Jet | Job | Joke | Joy |
Just | Jump | Jog | Journal |
Juice | Josh | Jungle | Juggle |
Jacket | Jealous | Jewel | Journey |
Leaf | Lamp | Lock | Lazy |
Laugh | Leak | Look | Lunch |
List | Long | Love | Log |
Letter | Light | Lemon | Lips |
Land | Listen | Lamp | Leg |
Mad | Make | Man | |
Map | Math | Milk | Month |
March | May | Mine | Moon |
Mask | Meet | Mix | Mouse |
Match | Mess | Mom | More |
Nap | Need | New | Note |
Nest | Near | Nice | North |
Necklace | Nail | Night | Nose |
Nurse | Name | Nine | No |
Narrow | Nation | Navy | Never |
Anger | English | Bang | Song |
Anguish | Finger | Bring | Singer |
Bengal | Hanger | Hang | Spring |
Banging | Hunger | King | Pong |
England | Longer | Ring | Ping |
Run | Red | Rocket | Rain |
Rice | Raisin | Ranch | Rug |
Rat | Rabbit | Rich | Rip |
Rag | Ribbon | Race | Rock |
Rake | Radio | Road | Read |
Size | Szekely | Szczecin | Szczesny |
Szot | Szentes | Szechuan | Szechwan |
Szabo | Szkotak | Szekelys | Szewczyk |
Szeto | Szolnok | Szilagyi | Szlachta |
Szeged | Szaszian | Szollosi | Szymczak |
That | Them | Themselves | Therein |
Than | These | Therefore | Thereby |
The | This | Three | Thyself |
They | Those | Thou | Thereof |
Their | Though | Thy | Thereto |
Vest | Visor | Visit | Voice |
Vat | Vowels | Village | Vain |
Vine | Vampire | Violate | Video |
Vote | Valley | Volcano | View |
Vet | Vase | Violin | Value |
Wacky | Ways | White | Witty |
Wade | We | Who | Wizard |
Wafer | Weak | Whoever | Wobble |
Waft | Weapon | Whole | Wake |
Wage | Wear | Whoop | Wolf |
Yard | Yarn | Yawn | Yes |
Yell | Yet | You | Your |
Young | Youth | Yolk | Year |
Yam | Yearly | Yelling | Yellow |
Yoga | Yogurt | Younger | Yummy |
Zoo | Zinnia | Zelda | Zillion |
Zebra | Zoe | Zigzag | Zone |
Zero | Zinc | Zipper | Zombie |
Zoom | Zing | Zorro | Zany |
Zap | Zippy | Zach | Zestfully |
Let’s now move to voiceless consonants and see some examples.
Examples of Voiceless Consonant Sound Words
Chair | Cheese | Child | Checkers |
Chat | Cheer | Chick | Cherry |
Chase | Chest | Chin | Chicken |
Check | Chew | Cheetah | Children |
Cheap | Chili | Chocolate | Chop |
Honour | He | Has | Home |
Hour | Him | Hill | Hotel |
Honest | His | House | Hall |
Hear | Her | Hand | Humour |
Had | Have | Hurry | Help |
Fake | Flower | Five | From |
Fire | Flame | Frown | First |
Fever | Fifth | Find | Fee |
Fly | Forget | Fantasy | Fourth |
Feel | Final | Family | Friend |
Food | Foreign | Kylie | Kite |
Kid | Kind | Keep | Keeper |
Keen | Killer | King | Kitchen |
Kill | Key | Kingdom | Kit |
Kettle | Keyboard | Kiss | Kick |
Kohl | Kidney | Kin | Khan |
Personal | Pay | Paper | President |
Put | Particular | Problem | Private |
Part | Public | Police | Price |
Place | Political | Policy | Process |
Party | Power | Probably | Provide |
Point | Possible | Person | Position |
Sit | Sun | Sad | Sour |
Soup | Save | Sorry | Sand |
Salt | Seed | Soap | Safe |
Seal | Seat | Sock | Soft |
Sick | Said | Sail | Son |
Shape | Shave | Shed | Sharing |
Shirt | Share | Short | Shampoo |
Shoe | Shy | Show | Shadow |
Ship | Shop | Shine | Sharp |
Shot | Shut | Shade | Shake |
Time | Towards | Team | Top |
Take | Today | Type | Talk |
Too | Try | True | Turn |
Together | Table | Tax | Term |
Tell | Trade | Town | Test |
Thorn | Theatre | Threat | Third |
Think | Thief | Thoughtful | Thirteen |
Thin | Thing | Three | Thirty |
Thunder | Thaw | Thick | Therapy |
Thousand | Thirsty | Thigh | Thursday |
We hope you have got some insights into consonant sounds and how they are pronounced.
Keep exploring EnglishBix for more resources to get better at English language.