Adjective Words for Describing Your Body Shape

Today we will discuss vocabulary related to your body appearance which everyone is concerned about. No matter what type of food we eat, it is always necessary to maintain a healthy body shape.

From a thick appearance to having minimal body fat, body appearances have always been an immediate factor into the outlook of a person. In today’s era, maintaining a pleasing physical appearance is a priority for most men and women. The early morning routine in the gym working for their desired body have become a custom for the general population.

Exercising has countless benefits and keeps the body in adequate shape; allowing people to endure life while being healthy. To get yourself aware of different body shapes we have prepared a list.

Words to Describe Your Body Shape

Stout Stocky Paunchy Pot- bellied Big- boned
Podgy Curvy Flabby Lanky Skinny
Petite Burly Gangly Slender Lean
broad-shouldered Ectomorphic Bulbous Dwarfish Diminutive
Runty Gigantic     Ginormous Humongous Formidable
Rotund Emaciated Curvaceous Elephantine Scraggy
Humpty Dumptyish  Tubby Raw-boned Scrawny Sinuous
Slim Willowy Wiry Wispy Herculean
Athletic Active Hale Hunky Healthy
Fit Limber Lusty Hardy Tough

Body shape also depends on the type of food you eat, therefore by controlling your diet and the fluids intake, you can maintain a healthy body.

We wish you’ll follow a proper diet and a healthy morning routine to get your desired body shape. Till then stay tuned to EnglishBix!

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