Paragraph Writing Format with Words to Start & Conclude

Today we’ll discuss some perfect words and phrases to start and conclude your paragraph and the essential elements of paragraph writing like proper formatting etc.

Importance of Writing Paragraph and Knowing When to Stop

A paragraph is a unit of writing in any non-fictional and fictional prose, delivering one theme or idea about any large piece of writing. The writing could be anything, like an essay, research paper, books, etc.

The purpose of paragraph is to express writers view on one particular topic. When the idea is delivered, and the paragraph is enriched with every information, satiating the reader from wanting more, is when you change the paragraph, rather than changing it seeing the length (what we all did at one point of our lives).

4 Tips to Write a Complete Paragraph in Proper Format

Paragraphs are nothing but chunks of a larger piece of writing. They have many elements to it like:

1. Unity

The paragraph revolves around one main idea. The idea is briefly summed up in the first sentence also known as introductory phrases.

2. Order

Order refers to the way you organize your supporting sentences. Whether you choose chronological order, order of importance, or another logical presentation of detail, a solid paragraph always has a definite organization.

3. Coherence

Coherence is a quality that is needed to make your paragraph understandable. Sentences need to connect to one another other and work together as a whole. One of the best ways to achieve coherency is to use transition words. These words create bridges from one sentence to the next. You can use transition words that show order (first, second, third); spatial relationships (above, below) or logic (furthermore, in addition, in fact).

4. Completeness

Completeness means your paragraph is enriched with everything that were waiting for them to be embedded in. Every sentence in the paragraph stick to the main idea, and make your paragraph complete. If not, then it is not complete.

The focus of this text is to help you to establish coherency between paragraphs. Below are some words which you can use to begin your paragraphs with.

20 Perfect Words and Phrases to Start Your Conclusion Paragraph

  • Although.
  • As we have seen ..
  • Consequently.
  • Conversely.
  • It could also be said that,
  • Despite this,
  • Evidently.
  • It is important to note that,
  • Furthermore.
  • However.
  • In Short,
  • Hence.
  • Indeed.
  • In this way,.
  • Moreover.
  • On the other hand,
  • In this manner,..
  • Therefore.
  • Similarly.
  • To be able to understand,..

Just follow the tips to add words and phrases to your paragraph because it can often make your paragraph much better and will probably improve your overall feel of the paragraph.

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