Adjective Words To Describe An Angel

An angel is a supernatural being who serves God, according to various religions.

The word conveys the idea of ??goodness, and it is often used to refer to someone who provides comfort and assistance to others in times of distress.

An angel is a creature or something that is a pure spirit. Angels are intelligent and are willing to use knowledge and love, but they do not have a physical body or live a figurative life. Each angel is actually a center of knowledge outside the body, but we need to qualify for that and say that angels know in a way that humans do not. Having no bodies, the angels do not see, taste, smell, touch, hear, think, or remember anything. Similarly, the angels do not eat, sleep, smile, laugh, and marry.

Angels exist in the highest order of truth, which is not a physical realm and is not controlled by location, time, or material limitations.

Adjective Words to Describe Angel

Following are adjectives for describing Angel:

avengingplaying at being an avenging angel
badvery intense
beautifuldelighting the senses or exciting intellectual
beloveddearly loved
bettersuperior to another
brightcharacterized by happiness or gladness
dearOne’s dearest wish
divineappropriate to or befitting a god
eviltending to cause great harm
fairnot excessive or extreme
fallenhaving fallen in or collapsed
gentlequiet and soothing
goodagreeable or pleasing
heavenlyof or belonging to heaven or god
holybelonging to or derived from or associated with a divine power
littlesmall in a way that arouses feelings
lovelyappealing to the emotions as well as the eye
perfectprecisely accurate or exact
pure having no faults; sinless
radiantradiating or as if radiating light
sweetpleasing to the mind or feeling
whiterestricted to whites only
wickedmorally bad or wrong
wingedhaving or as if having wings