Adjective Words To Describe A Classroom

A classroom or schoolroom is a place of learning where children and adults learn. Classes are available in educational institutions of all kinds, from preschools to universities, and can be found in other places where education or training is provided, such as companies / corporates and religious and humanitarian organizations.

The classroom provides a place where learning can be done without being interrupted by outside distractions.

Adjective Words to Describe Classroom

Following are common adjectives used for describing different types of Classrooms:

averageof no exceptional quality or ability
bilingualusing or knowing two languages
elementaryeasy and not involved or complicated
emptyhaving nothing inside
englishThat language is not english
extrafurther or added
foreignrelating to or originating in or characteristic of another place or part of the world
generalsomewhat indefinite
gradeGo teach third grade
mainstreamlistening to the mainstream media
modernbelonging to the modern era
onlineteaching children online
openaffording unobstructed entrance and exit
ordinarynot exceptional in any way
ownown classroom to study
particularfirst and most important
preschooleducational school for little children
primaryof first rank or importance or value
regularin accordance with fixed or procedure or principle
secondarynot of major importance
singleclassroom for a single day
specialadded to a regular schedule
traditionalconsisting of or derived from tradition
typicalof a feature that helps to distinguish a person or thing
virtualvirtual classroom interaction