Adjective Words To Describe Museum

A museum is a non-profit, permanent public service and development institution, open to the public acquiring, preserving, researching, communicating and displaying tangible and intangible heritage of humanity and its environment ??for the purpose of educational, learning and recreational.

Adjective Words to Describe Museum

Following are some common adjectives used for describing museums:

americanrelating to or characteristic of the continents and islands of the Americas
archaeologicalrelated to or dealing with or devoted to archaeology
britishcharacteristic of Great Britain or its people or culture
famouswidely known and esteemed
historicimportant in history
historicalrelating to the study of history
interestingarousing or holding the attention
largestgreatest in size of those under consideration
localcharacteristic of a particular locality
magnificentcharacterized by or attended with brilliance
militaryassociated with or performed by armed services as contrasted with civilians
modernbelonging to the modern era
municipalbelonging to or characteristic of a municipality
national relating to nationality
newnot of long duration
oldestfirst in time
outdoorconcerning the outdoors
permanentnot capable of being reversed or returned to the original condition
privateconfined to particular persons or groups or providing privacy
publicopen to or concerning the people as a whole
regionalcharacteristic of a region
smallnot large but sufficient in size
uniquethe single one of its kind
vast degree or especially extent or scope
wonderfulextraordinarily good; used especially as intensifiers