140 Adjectives Words to Describe Dogs and Puppies

Did you know about 57% of people in the entire world have pet dogs at their homes? If you are here, then we are sure you already have or are planning to get one soon. And just like you, we love dogs too. They are the perfect companions.

Imagine your best friend visits you on a weekend and asks you about your dog. How would you describe it to them? What words will you use? Of course, you will begin by telling its breed, nature, appearance, habits, likes, dislikes, etc. And the words you will use here in your sentences are known as adjectives.

Adjectives to Describe Dogs

Here is a list of adjectives you can choose from to describe your amazing pet or any other dog you see around.

  1. Active: Lively, vigorous
  2. Affectionate: Readily feeling or showing fondness or tenderness
  3. Alert: Being watchful for possible danger
  4. Amusing: Causing laughter and providing entertainment
  5. Anxious: Very eager or concerned to do something
  6. Athletic: Physically strong, fit, and active
  7. Beautiful: Pleasing the senses or mind aesthetically
  8. Beloved: Dearly loved
  9. Big: Of considerable size
  10. Brave: Ready to face and endure danger or pain; showing courage
  11. Bright: Intelligent and quick-witted
  12. Bright-Eyed: Alert and lively.
  13. Bull-Headed: Determined in an obstinate and unthinking way
  14. Calm: Not showing or feeling nervousness, anger
  15. Canine: A pointed tooth between the incisors and premolars of a mammal, often greatly enlarged in carnivores
  16. Caring: Displaying kindness and concern for others
  17. Cat-Friendly: Pet friendly
  18. Cheeky: Showing a lack of respect or politeness i
  19. Cheerful: Noticeably happy and optimistic
  20. Chubby: Plump and rounded.
  21. Clean: Free from dirt, marks, or stains.
  22. Clever: Quick to understand, learn
  23. Clumsy: Awkward in movement or in handling things
  24. Courageous: Not deterred by danger or pain; brave
  25. Crazy: Mad, especially as manifested in wild or aggressive behaviour
  26. Cuddly: Endearing and pleasant to cuddle
  27. Curious: Eager to know or learn something
  28. Curled: Form or cause to form into a curved
  29. Cute: Attractive in a pretty or endearing way.
  30. Daring: Adventurous or audaciously bold
  31. Dashing: Attractive, adventurous, and full of confidence
  32. Demanding: Requiring much skill or effort
  33. Dependent: Requiring someone for support
  34. Devoted: Very loving or loyal
  35. Disobedient: Refusing to obey rules 
  36. Distinctive: Marking as separate or different
  37. Eager-To-Please: Willing to do anything
  38. Easy-To-Train: Idiomatic expressions, and related words for trainable
  39. Energetic: Showing or involving great activity or vitality
  40. Entertaining: Providing amusement or enjoyment.
  41. Faithful: Remaining loyal and steadfast
  42. Family-Friendly: One that is considered to be suitable for all members of an average family
  43. Fluffy: Covered with fluff
  44. Foolish: Lacking good sense or judgement
  45. Friendly: Not harmful to a specified thing
  46. Frisky: Playful and full of energy
  47. Funny: Providing fun; causing amusement or laughter
  48. Furry: Covered with fur
  49. Fuzzy: Indistinct or vague
  50. Gentle: Having or showing a mild, kind, or tender temperament or character.
  51. Giant: Very great size
  52. Good-Natured: Kind, friendly, and patient.
  53. Goofy: Foolish or harmlessly eccentric
  54. Gorgeous: Beautiful; very attractive
  55. Greedy: Having an excessive desire or appetite for food
  56. Grumpy: Bad-tempered and irritable
  57. Handsome: Good-looking.
  58. Healthy: In a good physical or mental condition; in good health
  59. Heartwarming: Emotionally rewarding
  60. Housebroken: To urinate and defecate outside the house
  61. Huggable: Evoking a desire to hug close
  62. Hyperactive: Abnormally or extremely active
  63. Independent: Not depending on another
  64. Instinctual: Relating to or denoting an innate
  65. Intelligent: Having or showing intelligence
  66. Jolly: Happy and cheerful.
  67. Keen: Having or showing eagerness or enthusiasm
  68. Kid-Friendly: Welcoming towards or suitable for children
  69. Kindhearted: Having a kind and sympathetic nature.
  70. Lazy: Unwilling to use energy
  71. Leashed: His violence was barely leashed
  72. Likable: Pleasant, friendly
  73. Little: Small in size
  74. Long-Haired: Having long hair
  75. Lovable: Inspiring or deserving love or affection
  76. Loving: Feeling or showing love or great care.
  77. Loyal: Giving or showing firm and constant support
  78. Mellow: Pleasantly smooth or soft
  79. Mischievous: Causing or showing a fondness for causing trouble in a playful way.
  80. Moody: Given to unpredictable changes of mood,
  81. Muscular: Having well-developed muscles.
  82. Naughty: Badly behaved; disobedient
  83. Nervous: Easily agitated or alarmed.
  84. Neutered: Neither masculine nor feminine
  85. Obedient: Complying or willing to comply with an order or request
  86. Outgoing: Friendly and socially confident
  87. Pampered: Comfort, and kindness; spoil
  88. Patient: Tolerate delays, problems, or suffering without becoming annoyed
  89. People-Friendly: People who are kind, caring, and make you feel comfortable
  90. Playful: Expressing pleasure and amusement
  91. Pleasant: Giving a sense of happy satisfaction or enjoyment
  92. Potty-Trained: He’s just been potty-trained
  93. Precious: Of great value
  94. Pretty: Attractive in a delicate way
  95. Priceless: Very amusing.
  96. Problem-Solving: Finding solutions
  97. Protective: Intended to protect someone or something
  98. Queenly: Resembling, fit for
  99. Quick: Moving fast or doing something 
  100. Quiet: Making little or no noise.
  101. Quirky: Having or characterized by peculiar or unexpected traits
  102. Rebellious: Showing a desire to resist authority, control
  103. Scrawny: Unattractively thin and bony.
  104. Scruffy: Shabby and untidy or dirty.
  105. Sensitive: Quick to detect or respond to slight changes
  106. Shiny: Very clean
  107. Short-Haired: Having short hair
  108. Shy: Nervous or timid 
  109. Silly: Having or showing a lack of common sense 
  110. Sleek: Smooth and glossy.
  111. Sleepy: Needing or ready for sleep
  112. Smart: Clean, tidy
  113. Smelly: Having a strong or unpleasant smell
  114. Sneaky: Furtive; sly
  115. Snuggly: Comfortable, warm, and cosy.
  116. Soft: Easy to mould
  117. Spayed: Sterilize (a female animal) by removing the ovaries
  118. Spoiled: Having become unfit for eating.
  119. Sporty: Fond of or good at sport.
  120. Spotted: Marked or decorated with spots.
  121. Stray: Separated from the group
  122. Stubborn: Having or showing dogged determination not to change one’s attitude or position 
  123. Submissive: Ready to conform to the authority or will of others
  124. Sure-Footed: Unlikely to stumble or slip
  125. Sweet: Pleasing in general; delightful.
  126. Territorial: Relating to the ownership of an area
  127. Timid: Showing a lack of courage or confidence; easily frightened
  128. Tough: Strong enough to withstand adverse conditions or rough handling.
  129. Trained: Having been taught a particular skill or type of behaviour
  130. Trustworthy: Able to be relied on as honest or truthful.
  131. Up: Towards a higher place
  132. Vigilant: Keeping careful watch for possible danger or difficulties
  133. Wagging: Move or cause to move rapidly to and fro
  134. Warm: Having or showing enthusiasm, affection, or kindness
  135. Watchful: Alert and vigilant
  136. Well-Bred: Mannered, refined
  137. Well-Trained: Having gained satisfactory training
  138. Wild: Uncultivated, or inhospitable
  139. Willing-To-Learn: Skills and information that improve our abilities and enjoyment
  140. Zippy : Bright, fresh, or lively.

Let us consider some examples using the above adjectives.

  • Ashley’s dog was clever and jolly.
  • My relatives find my dog Tyson quite clumsy and mischievous.
  • Tommy is a muscular and protective watchdog.
  • My neighbour has a hilarious dog. He keeps scaring passersby.
  • Robin is a sweet and caring dog.

Practice more sentences and use of adjectives for dogs with our worksheets at English Bix. You can find some wonderful activities here.

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  1. Words to Describe Cats 
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