Adjective Words to Describe Gifts

A gift or present is something given to someone without expecting anything in return. An item is not a gift if the item is not a personal gift. While giving a gift may involve waiting for a reunion, the gift is intended to be good.

Adjectives to Describe Gifts

Following are common words to describe gifts:

  1. Donated: given freely specially to a cause or fund
  2. Expensive: high in price or charging high prices
  3. Natural: in accordance with nature; relating to or concerning nature
  4. Precious:  showing fond affection for
  5. Rare: not widely known; especially valued for its uncommonness
  6. Rich: having an abundant supply of desirable qualities
  7. Divine: devoted to or in the service or worship of a deity
  8. Best: having the most positive qualities
  9. Greatest: highest in quality
  10. Intellectual: requiring the use of the mind
  11. Special: for a special service or occasion
  12. Wonderful: extraordinarily good; used especially as intensifiers
  13. Larger: large or big relative to something else
  14. Remarkable: unusual or striking
  15. Valuable: having great material or monetary value especially for use
  16. Extraordinary:  far more than usual or expected
  17. Little: small in a way that arouses feelings
  18. Fine: characterized by elegance or refinement or accomplishment
  19. Small: limited in size or scope
  20. Spiritual: concerned with
  21. Beautiful: aesthetically pleasing
  22. Happy: satisfied
  23. Real:  founded on practical matters
  24. Royal: established or chartered or authorized by royalty
  25. Secret: kept private or not revealed

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