Adjective Words to Describe Japan and Japanese

Japanese culture is ancient and full of rituals and traditions to honor the family. Being an island country, Japan has been able to moderate the influence of other cultures for centuries. This allowed a distinct culture and heritage to develop for the beautiful Land of the Rising Sun.

Japan’s indigenous culture originates primarily from the Yayoi people who settled in Japan between 1000 BCE and 300 CE. The Yayoi culture spread to the main island of Honshū and mixed with the original Jōmon culture. Modern Japanese have an estimated 80% Yayoi and 20% Jōmon ancestry.

Japan has a fascinating and multifaceted culture; on the one hand, it is imbued with the deepest traditions dating back thousands of years; on the other hand, it is a society in a constant state of rapid change, with ever-changing fads and fashions and technological developments constantly pushing the boundaries of what is possible.

Words to Describe Japan

Following are common adjectives used for describing culture and traditions of Japan:

Bashers Imperial
Belligerent Impoverished
Country Inadvisable
Delegation Insular
Earthbound Invading
Feudalistic Jap
Hashimoto Japanese
Honorific Japanese Archipelago
Imperialist Japanese Islands
Industrialized Koizumi
Interwar Manchukuo
Kim Metropolitan
Lacquer Militant
Manchukuo Militarist
Mediaeval Modern
Medieval Multicultural
Meiji Murayama


Modem Nationalistic
Nipponese Nippon
Northern North Eastern
Peaceful Northwestern
Postindustrial Occupied
Preindustrial Otsu
Prostrate Overpopulated
Rok Postmodern
Southern Postwar
Unarmed Prehistoric
Unified Pre modern
Western Prewar
. Nihon Proper
Affluent Prosperous
Alcoholic Proto historic
Ancient Provoking
Arthritic Reluctant


Asahi Resurgent
Asean Rural
Asia Sino-Japanese
Assertive Southeastern
Central Southwest
Compare Southwestern
Contemporary Subtropical
Corporate Heian
Demilitarized Urbanized
Drifter Victorious
Eastern Wartime
Ebon Westernized
Faraway Yat
Fascist Feudal

Japan’s religious tradition consists of several major components, including Shintoism, Japan’s oldest religion, Buddhism, and Confucianism.

Religion in Japan is a wonderful mix of Shinto and Buddhist ideas. Unlike in the West, religion in Japan is rarely preached, nor is it a doctrine. Instead, it is a moral code, a way of life, almost indistinguishable from Japanese social and cultural values.

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