Adjectives Words To Describe Lake And Pond

Both ponds and lakes are bodies of freshwater inland that contain living creatures. At first glance, they seem very similar.

Lakes are usually deeper than ponds and have a larger surface area. All the water in the pond is in the photic area, which means that the ponds are not deep enough and are shallow to allow sunlight to reach the surface of the pond. Because they are shallower than lakes, ponds have plants that grow from one side to the other. Most ponds are less than six or seven feet deep. In truly cold climates, ponds can freeze from top to the bottom.

Adjective Words to Describe Lake

Following are common adjectives used for describing Lakes and Ponds:

greatimmense; notable; momentous; exalted; grand
littleSmall in size
smallBeing below average in size
beautifulExcellent; wonderful
largeabove the average in size or magnitude
frozencovered with, or surrounded by ice
shallowhaving little depth
artificialMade by humans, especially in imitation of something natural
deepextending or situated relatively far down from a surface
lovelyEnjoyable; delightful
clearFree from flaw, blemish, or impurity
famousWell or widely known
narrowLimited in area or scope
 extensiveLarge in extent, range
brightFull of light or illumination
stagnantNot flowing or moving, and often foul-smelling or stale
ancientbelonging to times long past
wideExtending over a great distance from side to side; broad
muddyFull of or covered with mud
spreadingTo move over an area, be distributed, or be widely dispersed
openAffording unobstructed passage or view
virtualExisting in the mind, especially as a product of the imagination
uglyDispleasing to the eye; unsightly
smellingTo have or emit an odor
sacredMade or declared holy
permanentNot expected to change in status, condition, or place
neighbouringplace, or thing adjacent to or located near another
irregularlacking uniformity
hiddennot accessible to view
hauntedhaving or showing excessive or compulsive concern with something