Marketing means the activities that a company performs to promote the purchase or sale of a product or service. Marketing involves advertising, selling, and delivering products to consumers or other businesses.
Marketing as a discipline involves all the actions a company takes to attract customers and maintain relationships with them. Communicating with potential or past customers is part of the job as well, and may include writing thank you letters, playing golf with potential customers, returning calls and emails promptly, and meeting customers for coffee or meal.
At its core, marketing aims to match the company’s products and services with the customers who want to access those products. Comparing products with customers ultimately ensures profitability.
Product, price, place, and promotions are the four marketing Ps. Four Ps together makes an important component that a company needs to market a product or service.
Words to Describe Marketing
Following are some common adjective words to describe different Marketing types in writing:
Word | Meaning |
aggressive | having or showing determination and energetic pursuit of your ends |
agricultural | relating to rural matters |
black | deserving or bringing disgrace or shame |
channel | a way of selling a company’s product either directly or via distributors |
commercial | connected with or engaged in or sponsored by or used in commerce |
competitive | involving competition or competitiveness |
controlled | curbed or regulated |
cooperative | done with or working with others for a common purpose or benefit |
corporate | organized and maintained as a legal corporation |
creative | having the ability or power to create |
direct | plan and direct |
domestic | relating to the home |
effective | equipped and ready for service |
efficient | able to accomplish a purpose |
electronic | relating to electronics |
communicate electronically | |
external | from or between other countries |
financial | involving financial matters |
global | involving the entire earth; not limited |
indirect | not leading by a straight line or course to a destination |
industrial | relating to or resulting from industry |
innovative | being or producing something like nothing done |
internal | happening or arising or located within some limits or especially surface |
any particular collection of letters or packages that is delivered | |
mass | the common people generally |
modern | relating to a recently developed fashion or style |
online | information online very easily. |
operative | effective; producing a desired effect |
pharmaceutical | relating to pharmacy or pharmacists |
product | commodities offered for sale |
regional | limited to a particular region |
related | similar or related in quality or character |
retail | selling of goods to consumers; usually in small quantities and not for resale |
social | living together or enjoying life in communities or organized groups |
strategic | highly important to or an integral part of a strategy |
successful | having succeeded |
technical | relating to technique |
test | the act of undergoing testing |
traditional | consisting of or derived from tradition |
wholesale | related to selling goods in large quantities for resale to the consumer |
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