Adjective Words to Describe Pink

Pink is a light red shade and is typically associated with love and romance. It is often described as a feminine color, perhaps because of the associations people make in early childhood.

People who are drawn to pink (or any particular color) tend to have fond memories of the color, while those who dislike it may have negative or unpleasant associations with it.

Words to Describe Pink

Following are common adjectives for describing Pink Color:

achromatic orangy
aquamarine pastel
balmy Peach Shortcake
bepurple pearlescent
bicolored Pencil Eraser
brown periwinkle
carnationed Petite
caryophyllaceous pinkish
cerise puniceous
Indian purply
chromatic red earth
chrome red red valerian
colored rose
earcockle rose-tinted
fire opal rosy
fleecy Royal Purple
florescent rubific


frilled rubious
fuchsia scarlet
Fuchsia secondary colour
Geranium sequined
giallolino shiny
glittery sparkly
Goldish strawflower
Gothic Amethyst sueded
gridelin tangerine
hued taupe
iridescent tightfitting
lilac turquoise
luteo Tyrian
mauve Venetian red
nubbly viridescent
orangish Wedgwood

Pink is the official color for little ladies and represents sugar and spice and all things pretty. Pink is the sweet side of red. While red evokes passion, aggression and action, large amounts of pink can actually cause physical weakness.

Both red and pink represent love. The color red represents warmth and passion, while the color pink represents romance and charm. Hot pink is used to convey playfulness, while light pink is used to convey tenderness.

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