Dear All
Let us first understand the meaning of learning styles for kids, which is of prime importance.
Learning Style for kids mean, different ways of reading, processing, and storing the information. All young children learn through sensible hand-to-hand experiences — touching, doing, and walking. And children learn by observing and hearing.
You want to boost your child’s energy, but remember that it is important to challenge him or her for growth. Your child may be exposed to a variety of influences. Therefore, provide a variety of experiences to help your child develop new strengths and interests that will enhance his or her understanding of the world.
Types of Learning Styles
It is an idea that suggests that people learn better in a variety of ways. All styles are thought to be tailored to the individual’s strengths, which are thought to help the person store information with great success.
They all focus on one of the five senses or have social features involved. This idea enjoyed great popularity for a while as it was thought that by getting the style of each student and its teaching so that its performance could be improved.
The 7 styles of the theory are as follows:
1. Visual

Visuals provide illustrative images, charts, and diagrams that help to understand the concept. Visual or local students claim to store information better by looking at pictures or photographs and responding positively to colors and mind maps.
2. Kinaesthetic

In this technique, kids immerse in the learning process by writing small words or alphabets. Conceptually, Kinaesthetic students talk about physical activity. Role-playing, using things like flashcards or physical activity can help them learn things better. In other words Kinaesthetic students take notes through their bodies and touch. Outstanding students of sound effects include dancers or surgeons. For these living students, the ‘hands’ of learning and doing the work themselves are more effective than listening.
3. Aural

Kids can listen to the pronunciation of various words. They can also listen to the entire story in the audio format. Aural or auditory-musical learners should retain the most information after hearing it.
4. Social

This is related to the verbal technique. Kids can enjoy the learning process by communicating with other people in the group. Social, or interpersonal, students are intended to be more effective when participating in study activities with other people such as asking questions or having a study group.
5. Solitary

Kids can sit alone and self-study to complete the words or lessons. Students who are self-employed or self-employed are said to work better on their own, making notes and reading them backwards are useful activities when you read on your own. Most of us will have to do some self-review at some point in our lives. They are known to have a passion for philosophy, psychology and theology because of their ability to express themselves.
6. Verbal:

You can help kids to learn the words phrases or sentences by communicating, or speaking loudly. This is the most common and easy technique. Verbal, or linguistic learners are supposed to respond well to written or spoken words, using tools like rhymes and acronyms.
7. Logical

Intelligent, or mathematical learners use comprehension and structures to learn effectively. Moreover, as the name implies, math students work best using numbers, structures and consultations, which is why they are also referred to as rational students. According to Mantle, these students are advanced engineers and work on distinguishing and distinguishing unfamiliar patterns or relationships.
It helps you to provide reasoning and build the framework to make a logical interpretation.
With these 7 major learning styles does not mean that you are stuck with just one. You can choose any of them whichever your kids find interesting and easy. You can determine the learning style by resonating with your learning process. You can test different methods to check which one suits your kid.
- You kids can learn English at the local language meetups which helps the verbal and social learners.
- Children can make use of various videos, podcasts or blogs to learn English words and build vocabulary.
- You can provide them with different worksheets which they can complete and check it on their own. It will help them to analyze their mistakes and learn from them.