Adjective Words to Describe Clouds

The term cloud is widely used in astronomy to describe the mass of evaporated water seen in the sky. Clouds can appear white or grey in color, and there are four main types of clouds: cirrus, cumulus, stratus, and nimbus.

You can use various descriptive words for clouds according to their shape, height, density and color.

Some clouds are as thick as cotton and some are gray and uniform. Some clouds are near the earth, while others are near the surface of the troposphere.

Adjective Words to Describe Clouds

Following are common words to describe clouds in the sky: 

Angry Driving Golden
Approaching Dusky Gray
Big Eastern Great
Black Enormous Green
Bright Envious Grey
Broken Faint Hanging
Certain Fiery Heavy
Cold Floating High
Color Fleecy Immense
Deep Fleeting Inky
Dense Flying Leaden
Dewy Formless Light


Luminous Cloud Soft Shaped
Lurid Sunlit Glooming
Mere Swift Slippery
Moving Thick Drifting
New Thin Snowy
Ominous Threatening Smoky
Parting Watery Dimming
Passing Wild Fragrant
Rolling Windy Lightening
Rosy Yellow Distant
Rushing Low Fresh

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  1. Descriptive Words to Describe Sky
  2. Adjective Words to Describe Stars