Air, Water and Plastic Pollution Vocabulary Words A to Z

Pollution is the addition of contaminants into the natural environment that cause serious change.  Pollutants can be either foreign substances or naturally occurring contaminants.

The three major forms of pollution are:

  1. Air pollution
  2. Water Pollution
  3. Plastic Pollution

Let’s have a look at the Pollution vocabulary to learn words which are related to pollution like global warming, acid rain, smog, smoke etc.

The effects of air pollution on the human body vary depending on the type of contamination and the extent and extent of exposure — as well as other factors, including the risk to individual health and the accumulated effects of many pollutants or pressures.

Air Pollution Vocabulary with Meanings

Following is the list of 15 words related to air pollution along with their description:

  1. Air quality: The cleanliness of the air that we breathe
  2. Smog: A form of air pollution that is or looks like a mixture of smoke and fog, especially in cities
  3. Exhaust fumes: Smoke, gas, or something similar that smells strongly or is dangerous to breathe-in
  4. Emit Carbon Dioxide: Release CO2
  5. Greenhouse gases: Any of the gases that are thought to cause the greenhouse effect, especially carbon dioxide
  6. Burning Fossil Fuels: Fuel such as coal or oil, that was formed over millions of years from the remains of animals or plants
  7. Earth’s ozone layer: A layer of ozone high above the earth’s surface that helps to protect the earth from harmful radiation from the sun
  8. Sulphur dioxide: A poisonous gas with a strong smell, that is used in industry and causes air pollution
  9. Environmentally friendly methods of transportation: Modes of transport which emit less greenhouse gases
  10. Global warming: The increase in temperature of the earth’s atmosphere, that is caused by the increase of gases, especially carbon dioxide
  11. Carbon footprint: A measure of the amount of carbon dioxide that is produced by the daily activities of a person or company
  12. Combat Climate change: Fight against global warming
  13. Curb global warming: Reduce global warming
  14. Higher taxes on gasoline: Increase the price of petrol
  15. Global health emergency: A worldwide health problem
  16. Breached the legal limit for air pollution: Exceeded the agreed level of pollution in the air
  17. Ticking time bomb of public: A health issue that will explode in the future.
  18. Health Issues: Specially infection in throat and lungs
  19. Die prematurely: Die earlier than you should
  20. Acid Rain: Rain that contains harmful chemicals from factory gases and that damages trees, crops, and buildings.

The water it is said is life, and it is right. About 70 percent of the earth is water, which undoubtedly is one of our major sources of water. When we were young, we learned about various ways to save water because water is used in almost every major human activity and process. Water is an important factor in both domestic and industrial purposes.

However, a closer look at our water sources today raises serious concerns. Water is now littered with various wastes from floating plastic bags to chemical waste, which transforms our water bodies into a pool of toxins.

Water Pollution Vocabulary with Meanings

Following is the list of words related to water pollution along with their description:

  • Industrial Waste: Industries produce a lot of waste, which contains toxic chemicals and pollutants, which cause air pollution and damage to our environment and to us. They contain harmful chemicals, including lead, mercury, sulfur, nitrates, asbestos, and many others.
  • Sewage and Wastewater: Sewage and wastewater produced in each house are chemically treated and disposed of in seawater and fresh water. Sanitation water carries germs, common water pollution, other harmful germs, and chemicals that can cause serious health problems as well as diseases.
  • Mining Activities: Mining is the process of crushing rocks and extracting coal and other minerals underground. These nutrients, when released in raw form, contain harmful chemicals and can increase the amount of toxic substances when mixed with water.
  • Marine Dumping: Household waste such as paper, plastic, food, aluminum, rubber, glass, is collected and dumped at sea in other countries.
  • Accidental Oil Leakage: Oil spills pose a serious threat to marine life when large amounts of oil spills into the oceans and do not melt. It creates problems for local wildlife, including fish, birds, and sea otters.
  • The burning of fossil fuels: Mineral fuels such as coal and oil, when burned, produce more ash in the atmosphere.
  • Chemical fertilizers and pesticides: Chemical fertilizers and pesticides are used by farmers to protect plants from pests and bacteria.
  • Global Warming: Rising global temperatures are causing global warming as a result of the greenhouse effect. It increases the water temperature leading to the death of marine animals and marine species.
  • Radioactive Waste: Nuclear power is produced using nuclear fission or fusion. The element used in the production of nuclear energy is uranium, which is a highly toxic chemical.
  • Urban Development: As the population has grown significantly, so has the need for housing, food, and textiles, leading to increased use of fertilizers, soil erosion, increased construction activities, sewage collection and inadequate treatment etc.
  • Leakage From the Landfills: Garbage dumps are nothing but a pile of garbage that produces a foul odor and can be seen throughout the city. When it rains, leaky landfills can pollute groundwater with a wide variety of pollutants.
  • Animal Waste: Waste generated by animals is washed away into rivers when it rains. It is then mixed with other harmful chemicals and causes various waterborne diseases.
  • Underground Storage Leakage: The transportation of coal and other petroleum products by underground pipelines is well-known.
  • Eutrophication: The growing level of nutrients in water is known as Eutrophication. It results in the bloom of algae in the water and eliminates oxygen in the water.
  • Acid Rain: Acid rain is water pollution caused by air pollution. When acid particles released into the air due to air pollution come into contact with water vapor, it causes acid rain.

Since 1950, plastic manufacturers have produced over eight billion pieces of plastic, most of which wind up in landfills or the ocean. Here are some key facts about plastic pollutants:

Plastic Pollution Vocabulary with Meanings

Following is the list of words related to plastic pollution along with their description:

  1. Micro-plastics are a significant issue. When plastic is broken, it turns into tiny pieces of plastic known as micro-plastics. These almost invisible plastic particles can come in contact with sand or other debris, resulting in continuous contamination that is too small to be seen with the naked eye. Animals that dig in the sand or swim in the ocean for food, such as albatross and other seabirds, are often accidentally infected with plastic.
  2. Plastic consumption is booming. Consumers buy at least one million plastic water bottles every minute. In addition, more than 500 billion plastic bags are purchased annually worldwide, although some US states and territories have banned the use of plastic bags to combat plastic pollution.
  3. Single-use plastics are prevalent. Plastic packaging, like food wrappers, accounts for nearly half the amount of plastic waste.
  4. Biodegradable plastics also contribute to pollution. Living organic plastic is a synthetic compound that can decompose over time with organic matter, retaining it in water, carbon dioxide, and residual material called biomass.
  5. Nearly three-quarters of beach litter is plastic. About 73 percent of the garbage found on beaches worldwide is made of plastic products and plastic waste. Plastic bottles, groceries, and other plastic items are often dumped into the oceans of the world — some eight million metric tons a year — and end up on our shores.
  6. Marine plastics hurt ocean life. Ocean plastic pollution has helped quadruple the number of dead zones found in our waters. Dead zones suffer from low oxygen, causing marine animals to suffocate, leading extinction and causing an ecological imbalance.
  7. Plastic waste forms its islands. A vast ocean wave system in the northern Pacific Ocean between San Francisco, California, and Hawaii — formed what is known as the ocean. Great Pacific Garbage Patch.
  8. Fishing gear is a major plastic pollutant. Fishing equipment such as nets, ropes, and traps make up 10 percent of the plastic waste, resulting in 640,000 tons of marine plastic waste per year.

There are many loud and soft sounds in the environment which affect the health and well-being of humans and other organisms, often referred to as Noise pollution.

Let’s have a quick recap of what we have learned using an easy-to-understand image:

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