‘At most’ vs ‘Utmost’ with Sentence Examples

These are two highly confused words because of their similar pronunciation. But in reality, these are two simple words with different meanings. Let’s look at an example:

  • Incorrect: I will be in Mumbai for three weeks utmost
    Correct: I will be in Mumbai for three weeks at most
  • Incorrect: Health should always be a person’s at most priority
    Correct: Health should always be a person’s utmost priority

When to use ‘At Most’ in Sentences

At most is two words. At is a preposition and most is a determining pronoun meaning a very high quantity. It is mostly used when you have to indicate your limit of quantity. Here are some examples using phrase ‘at most’:

  • At most, I will invite 20 people to my birthday party
  • I will spend 500 rupees, at most
  • You will get 30 minutes at most for this exam
  • Chocolate cake is available at most bakeries
  • At most, I will work here for 15 months

When to use Utmost in Sentences

Unlike ‘at most’, utmost is a single word. It means very extreme and high. It is used when you have to show a huge effort. Utmost is an adjective. Here are some examples of the word ‘Utmost’ in sentences:

  • This emergency should be handles with utmost care
  • I will provide you all the utmost optimal resources
  • Please take utmost caution while stepping in the room
  • I have got nothing but the utmost respect for our army, navy, air force, police force, and doctors. They are the reason we are in the utmost safety.
  • Our fitness was tested to the utmost level in today’s cricket selection, yet we managed to give our utmost efforts, and we got selected in the school team.

We hope you would now be able to distinguish between ‘Utmost’ and ‘At Most’. Keep exploring EnglishBix for more quality resources on

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