Collective Nouns List for Group of Animals

Today we are going to look at the extensive list of Collective Nouns words used for the group of animals.

A collection of a particular animal species is given a special term which is their group name for example an army of ants, a swarm of bees etc.

Collective Nouns for Animal Groups

Following is the list of collective noun words for group of animals: 

Animal Name Collective Noun Word / Group Name
alligator and
bask, congregation
alpaca herd
ant army, colony, nest, swarm
antelope herd
ape troop, shrewdness
ass; donkey pace, drove, herd
baboon troop, flange
badger company, colony
bat colony, cloud
bear sleuth, sloth
beaver family, colony, lodge
bee swarm, cluster, grist
buffalo herd,  obstinacy
butterfly swarm, flutter
camel flock, train, caravan
caribou herd
cat clutter, pounce, glorying kindle,  litter
Cow Kine, flink
cattle herd,  drift, mob, fold
cheetah coalition
chimpanzee band, troop
chinchilla colony
cicada colony
clam bed
cockroach intrusion
cod school, lap
coyote pack, rout
crab cast
crow; raven congress, murder, unkindness, flock
deer herd, mob, leash
dinosaur herd (plant-eaters); pack (flesh-eaters)
dog pack, gang; litter (pups)
dolphin pod, school
duck flush
eagle aerie, convocation
eel swarm, draft, school, fry, wisp
elephant herd, parade
elk gang, herd
ferret business, fesynes
fish school, catch, haul, shoal
fly cloud, swarm, grist
fox skulk, leash,  troop, earth
frog; toad chorus, army, knot
gerbil horde
giraffe herd, corps, troop, tower
gnat cloud, swarm, horde, plague
gnu  herd
wildebeest herd
goat flock, trip, herd, tribe
goldfish troubling
goose gaggle when they are on the ground and when they are in flight their group is called team, wedge and plump.
gorilla band
grasshopper cloud, swarm
guinea pig group
hamster horde
hare down, husk
hedgehog array
herring army
hippopotamus herd, bloat
hornet swarm, cloud
horse herd, string, set, stud,  harras, rake
hound pack, cry, sute, mute
hyena pack, clan, cackle
impala Impalas don’t move in groups.
insect swarm, cloud, horde, plague
jackal pack
jellyfish squad
kangaroo and wallaby mob, troop
koala They don’t move in Groups
leopard leap, prowl
lion pride
lizard lounge
llama herd
locust swarm, cloud, horde, plague, host
louse colony, infestation
macaw pandemonium, company, flock
mallard flush, sord
mammoth herd, tusk
manatee pod
marten richness
mink Minks don’t move in Group
minnow shoal, school, steam, swarm
mole company, labour
monkey troop, barrel, cartload, tribe
moose herd
mosquito scourge, swarm, cloud, horde
mouse and rat horde, colony, swarm, mischief
mule span, barren, pack, rake, team (harnessed)
muskrat There is no group name for muskrat
otter family, lodge, bevy, romp, raft
ox drove, herd or yoke, team
oyster bed, cast
panda cupboard
pig, hog, swine and wild pig herd, sounder, drove, drift, trip; litter (piglets)
platypus colony
porcupine prickle
prairie dog coterie, town
pug grumble
rabbit husk, colony, fluffle
raccoon nursery, gaze
reindeer herd
rhinoceros crash, herd
salmon school, run, bind
sardine family, shoal, school
scorpion bed, nest
seal and sea lion herd, pod, harem, rookery, trip
serval Serval don’t form any group
shark shiver, shoal, school
sheep mob, flock, herd, drove, drift, trip, hurtle, hirsel
skunk surfeit
snail rout, walk
snake bed, knot
spider cluster, clutter
squirrel dray, colony, scurry
swan bank, bevy, flight, game, herd, wedge
termite colony, swarm
tiger ambush, streak
trout hover
turtle or tortoise bale, dole, dule
walrus herd, pod, huddle
wasp swarm, colony
weasel gang, pack
whale pod, gam, herd
wolf pack, rout, route
wombat mob
woodchuck colony
worm bunch, clat, clew, bed
yak herd, team
zebra herd, zeal, cohorts, crossing, dazzle

After looking at this list you’ll notice that some animals go not form groups therefore they don’t have any collective noun associated with it, quite interesting huh!.

I know reading such a long list and remembering the group names for every animal is quite difficult. Alternative is to bookmark this page for the future and refer it whenever required.

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Quick Links

  1. List of Wild Animals with Pictures
  2. List of Domestic Animals for Kids

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