A compound verb is a verb that is made up of multiple words. The compound verb can take on such forms as a prepositional verb, a phrasal verb, a verb with auxiliaries, and a compound single-word verb. Each of these operates a little differently and the best way to understand them is to study a variety of compound verb examples.
So, let’s take a look at the compound verbs examples list below for better understanding.
Examples of Compound Verbs in English
Aim at | Ask for | Ask out | Back down |
Believe in | Blow up | Break down | Break in |
Break off | Break out | Break up | Bring over |
Bring up | Build in | Call back | Call in |
Call off | Call up | Call down | Carry for |
Carry on | Carry out | Catch on | Catch up |
Check in | Check out | Clean out | Clear up |
Come back | Come in | Come off | Come on |
Come down | Cut out | Deal with | Drop in |
Drop out | Dry off | Dry up | Eat up |
End up | Fall down | Fall off | Fall out |
Fall over | Figure on | Fill in | Fill up |
Find out | Follow up | Get ahead | Get along |
Get away | Get back | Get down | Get in |
Get off | Get on | Get out | Get up |
Give in | Give up | Go ahead | Go back |
Go for | Go out | Grow up | Hand in |
Hand out | Hand over | Hang on | Hang out |
Heat up | Hold off | Hold on | Hold out |
Hurry up | Keep at | Keep off | Keep on |
Kick out | Knock out | Knock about | Lay down |
Lay off | Leave behind | Leave out | Let down |
Let in | Let out | Lighten up | Live with |
Lock out | Lock up | Look at | Look into |
Look over | Make for | Make up | Move in |
Pay back | Pay off | Pick out | Pick up |
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