Interjections and Exclamation Words List with Examples

Hello! Here we have a concise list of interjection words which are often referred to as exclamatory words as well. These words or short phrases which are often used to exclaim, are like Aww!, ahh! or Eee!.

These words stand alone apart from the rest of a sentence without a subject or a verb, and are used to express a great sense of emotion.

Make sure as you read through the types of interjections to pick out the interjections that have more than one expression or can be used in multiple ways and try to understand the difference.

Examples of Interjections and Exclamation Words

Following is a list of Interjection words with meanings and sentence examples to make your writing very interesting.

WordMeaningExample Sentences
aah!“Help!”“Aaaah! It’s eating my leg!”
aha“I understand”“Aha! So you took the money!”
ahem“Attention, please!”“Ahem! Swearing is against office policy.”
ahh“Ok, I see”“Ahh, yes, I understand now”
ahh“So relaxing”“Ahh… This hot tub is amazing”
argh“Damn!”“Argh, the car won’t work!”
aww“How sweet!”“Aww, what an adorable puppy”
aww“That’s too bad”“Aww, it hit him right in the nuts!”
aw“Come on!”“Aw, don’t be like that!”
bah“Whatever”“Bah, I never liked him anyways.”
boo“That’s bad”“Boo, get off the stage!”
boo!“Scared you!”I jumped from the stairs and yelled “boo!”
boo-hoo“I’m crying!”Your internet is slow? Boo-hoo, how sad for you.
brr“It’s cold”“Brrr, it’s -20C outside”
d’oh“That was stupid/bad!”“I just deleted all my files. D’oh!”
duh“That’s dumb”“Duh, you didn’t plug it in.”
eek“Help!”“Eeek, a mouse!”
eep“Oh no!”“Eep! I didn’t mean to say that!”
eh?“What?”“Eh? I didn’t hear what you said.”
eh?“Is that right?”“So she dumped you, eh?”
eww“Disgusting”“Ewww, this apple is rotten”
fuff“Bullshit”“Oh fuff, you don’t have any idea what you’re talking about!”
gah“This is hopeless”“Gah, I give up”
gee“Really?”“Gee, that’s super!”
grr“I’m angry”“Grrr, I’ll kick his ass”
hmm“I wonder”“Hmm, I’m not sure about that”
humph“I don’t like this”“There are kids on my lawn again, humph!”
hah“Funny.”“Heh, that’s clever”
haha“Funny!”“Haha, that’s hilarious!”
huh“Really?”“Huh, you were right”
hurrah“Let’s celebrate!”“Hurrah, we won!”
ick“Disgusting”“Ick, this milk has gone bad”
meh“I don’t know”“Meh, whatever you think is best”
mhm“Yes”“Do you think so too?” “Mhm”
mm“Lovely”“Mmm, this ice cream is delicious”
muahaha“I’m so evil!”“I switched the sugar and the salt! Muahaha!”
mwah“Kiss!”“Thanks, you’re so sweet! Mwah!”
nah“No”“Want another beer?” “Nah, I’m good”
nuh-uh“No, it isn’t!”/”Did not!”“I hit you!” “Nuh-uh!” “Yuh-uh!” “Nuh-uh!”
oh“I see”“Oh, you wanted sugar, not milk.”
ooh-la-la“Fancy!”“A seven layer wedding cake? Ooh-la-la!”
ooh“Wonderful!”“Oooh, it’s shiny!”
oomph“I’m exerting myself”“Push on 3.. 1, 2, 3.. oomph!”
oops“I didn’t mean to do that”“Oops, I knocked your cup over”
ouch“That hurts”“Ouch, I hit my thumb”
oww“That hurts”“Oww, I hit my thumb”
oy“Hey, you!”“Oy! You forgot your wallet!”
oy“Oh no…”“The bills are piling up. Oy…”
pew“It stinks!”“Pew, that smells so gross!”
pff“That’s nothing”“Pff, I have a car twice that size”
phew“That was close!”“I didn’t do my assignment, but the teacher didn’t check. Phew!”
psstWhispering “Hey, you!”“Psst. Let’s skip the next class!”
sheesh“I can’t believe this!”“Sheesh, now he’s drunk again”
shh“Be quiet”“Shh, I’m trying to hear what they’re saying!”
shoo“Go away”“Get out of here! Shoo!”
tsk-tsk“Disappointing”“Tsk-tsk, he is late for work again”
uh-huh“Yes”“Do you think so too?” “Uh-hu”
uh-oh“Oh no!”“Uh-oh, I think the lion is inside the house”
uh-uh“No”“Eat your spinach!” “Uh-uh!”
uhh“Wait, I’m thinking”“Seven times eight is… uhh… 56”
umm“I’m hesitant”“Umm.. Do you really think that’s wise?”
waah“I’m crying!”“I don’t want you to go! Waaah!”
wee“This is fun!”“Weee! Faster!”
whoa“Hold on.”“Whoa, take it easy!”
wow“Amazing!”“Wow, that’s incredible!”
yahoo“Let’s celebrate!”“Yippie! We won!”
yay“Yes!”“Yay! We won!”
yeah“Yes!”“Yeeeaah! Kick his butt!”
yee-haw“I’m excited!”“Let’s gather some cattle! Yee-haw!”
yikes“That’s a bad surprise.”“I found out I owed $5000 in back taxes. Yikes!”
yoo-hoo“Hey you!”“Yoo-hoo, sugercup! Come give me a hug!”
yuh-uh“Yes, it is!”/”Did so!”“I hit you!” “Nuh-uh!” “Yuh-uh!” “Nuh-uh!” …
yuck“Disgusting!”“Yuck, I wouldn’t want to touch that”
zing“Haha, well said!”“You’re so stupid, you’d trip over a wireless phone!” “Zing!”

We can use the above mentioned exclamation words and extend some letters in them to make Extended Interjections such as “Eeeeee!!!” or “aaaaaahhh!!” which are used to express strong emotions.

Have you noticed that some words are listed several times with different meanings, and as alternate spellings under other entries ?.

Keep exploring EnglishBix for more quality related to learn about words and sentences to express your emotions.

Quick Links

Examples of Exclamatory SentencesTypes of Interjections
Examples of Compound Words for KidsList of Noun Words for Kids

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