100+ Homophones Words List for Kids A to Z

It is very true that the English language can be very confusing at times. You might have come across words that would sound similar when pronounced. But when you look them they have different spellings and meanings. Do you know what are these words?

Let’s explore!

What Do You Mean By Homophones?

In English Grammar, Homophones refer to the pair of words that sound similar in pronunciation but they have different meanings and spellings. Being an English learner, understanding homophones is an essential part that will assist you to master the English language. It would be helpful in vocabulary building and being aware of the news words.

List of Homophones from A to Z

accessary accessory
ad add
ail ale
air heir
aisle I’ll / Isle
All Awl
Allowed Aloud
Alms Arms
Altar Alter
Arc Ark

aren’t aunt
ate eight
augur augur
auk orc
aural oral
away aweigh
awe Or /ore /oar
axel axle
aye Eye / I
Bail Bale

Bait Bate
Baize Bays
Bald Bawled
Ball Bawl
Band Banned
Bard Barred
Bear Bare
Bark Barque
Baron Barren
Base Bass

Bay Bey
Bazaar Bizarre
Be Bee
Beach Beech
Bean Been
Beat Beet
Bean Been
Beau Bow
Beer Bier
Bell Bel

Berth Birth
Bite Byte
Billed Build
Bitten Bittern
Blew Blue
Bloc Block
Boar Bore
Board Bored
Boarder Border
Bold Bowled


Boos Booze
Born Borne
Bough Bow
Boy Buoy
Brae Bray
Braid Brayed
Braise Brays / Braze
Brake Break
Bread Bred
Brews Bruise


Broach Brooch
Burr Bur
But Butt
Buy Bye
Buyer Byre
Calendar Calender
Call Caul
Canvas Canvass
Cast Caste
Cede Seed


ceiling sealing
cell sell
censer censor/ sensor
cent Scent / sent
cereal serial
Cheap Chip
Check Cheque
Choir Quire
Chord Cord
Cite Sight/ Site
Clack Claque
Clew Clue
Climb Clime
Close Cloze
Coal Kohl
Coarse Course
Coign Coin
Colonel Kernel
Complacent Complaisant
Complement Compliment
Coo Coup
Cops Copse
Counsil Counsel
Cousin Cozen
Creak Creek
Crews Cruise
Cue Queue
Curb Kerb
Currant Current
Cymbal Symbol
Dam Damn
Days Daze
Dear Deer
Descent Dissent
Desert Dessert
Deviser Divisor
Dew Due
Die Dye
Discreet Discrete
Dough Doe
Done Dun
Douse Dowse
Draft Draught
Duel Dual
Earn Urn
Faint Feint
Fair Fare
Father Farther
fate fête
Faun Fawn
Faze Phase
Feat Feet
Ferrule Ferule
Few Phew
Find Fined
Flair Flare
Flaw Flow
Flea Flee
Flour Flower
Flew Flu
Foaled Fold
Fore Four
Forth Fourth
Foul Fowl
Franc Frank
Gait Gate
Galipot Gallipot
Gallop Galop
Gays Gaze
Genes Jeans
Gild Guild
Gilt Guilt
Giro Gyro
Gnaw Nor
GOrilla Guerilla
Grate Great
Greave Grieve
Greys Grays
Groan Grown
Hail Hale
Hair Hare
Hall Haul
Hart Heart
Hay Hey
Heal Heel
Hear Here
Heard Herd
Heroin Heroine


Hi High
Higher Hire
Him Hymn
Hoard Horde
Hoarse Horse
Hour Our
Idle Idol
Indict Indite
Jewel Joule
Key Quay
Knead Need
Knew New
Knight Night
Knit Neat
Knob Nob
Knot Not
Know No
Knows Nose
Lac Lack
Lain Lane


Laps Lapse
Leach Leech
Lead Led
Leak Leek
Lesson Lessen
Licker Liquor
Links Lynx
Made Maid
Mail Male
Main Mane


Maize Maze
Mall Maul
Mantel Mantle
Mark Marque
Marshal Martial
Mask Masque
Medal Meddle
Metal Mettle
Might Mite
Miner Minor


Mind Mined
Moose Mousse
Morning Mourning
Naval Navel
None Nun
One Won
Palate Pallet
Pause Paws
Piece Peace
Peal Peel


Plain Plane
Pole Poll
Praise Prays
Profit Prophet
Raise Rays
Rap Wrap
Reign Rain
Read Reed
Rest Wrest
Right Write
Root Route
Role Roll
Rough Ruff
Sale Sail
Satire Satyr
See Sea
Scene Seen
Son Sun
Stair Stare
Stationary Stationery
Steal Steel
Storey Story
Straight Strait
Sweet Suite
Tale Tail
Torque Talk
Troop Troupe
Waist Waste
Throne Thrown
Tide Tied
Wear Where
Waive Wave
Warn Worn
Weak Week
Weather Whether
Wood Would
Yoke Yolk
Whirled World

Let’s have a quick recap of some of the words using the following image. 

Teachers or Parents can download and use this image to teach their kids. You can also follow these Tips For Teaching Homophones.

Keep Learning new words with EnglishBix!

Quick Links

  1. List of Homographs for Kids
  2. Examples of Heteronyms Words

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