11 Quick Tips For Teaching Homophones

There are students who do not have any exposure to the homophones. This might get them confused and frustrated about the application of homophones. Learning about homophones can make help them to study in a way to be a linguistic challenge and entertainment. Children would easily benefit from the experience of learning homophones. Let’s get to know about the tips which can help you in teaching homophones.

1. English Language contains a lot of Homophones

You can give your students a set of homophones – a set of different words that sound the same. It will help you to ease the anxiety of your students.

2. Encourage Students to Keep Their Own Journal of the List

For making the process easy for students, you can ask them to keep their own journal. This journal would have a list of homophones. You can ask the students to write the sentences it will use for both the members of the homophones. By writing sentences, you can make the understanding process quick and easy.

3. Test And Practice

You can see that students sometimes need practice for homophones. You can give worksheets that comprise of filling the blanks, sentence completion, match the following. These worksheets would help students to test their own skills and understand the meaning of each word.

4. Teaching With Proper Dictations

You can dictate the sentences to your students that contain homophones. It would be beneficial for their understanding. You can later collect the notebook and review the work. It will have you to know whether students are having trouble understanding the concept or not.

5. Practice With Online Quizzes

It would be not difficult to find some set of quizzes to check student’s homophones comprehension. You can also provide a list of online practice sites. It will be used as a resource that they can use in their leisure hours. 

6. Matching The Homophones With Correct Definition

You can create some match the following questions or crossword puzzles for your students. It will help them to know the correct definition of the words that sound similar. 

7. Homophones Memory Game

You can create some game cards to play the game of homophones with your students. You can lay all the cards upside down and ask your students to find matching definitions with the correct homophone. This fun learning way will help them to retain all the information for a long time. 

8. Creating Index Cards With Homophones

With the help of index cards you can teach students to remember the homophone word meanings they already know. Each student can match the pairs the homophone words with the respective definition. 

9. Reviewing the Homophone Words

It is an energetic way to work out the learning process in a fun way. You can easily divide the class into different groups of homophones. A student from one group can read out the words whereas a student from another group can match the definition with it. Those students who gave the correct answer will gain the score points. 

10. Pictionary Of Homophones

It will help you to show people what the word means by drawing the pictures on the board. Sometimes riddles can also be used to review the homophones. You can ask a riddle to the entire class which contains homophones. This way you can challenge students to come up with the right answers. 

11. Working With Alphabets

You have the list of alphabets right from A to Z. List the homophone words in alphabetic order. You just have to allow the students to work in groups and see that anyone can make the complete set with 26 alphabets or not.

Keep exploring EnglishBix for quality resources on learning homophone pairs.

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