IELTS Academic Words List 2024

We have two types of IELTS test: Academic and General Training. The Academic test is for those who want to enter universities or other higher education institutions, while the General Training test is for those who want to migrate to an English-speaking country or work in a professional setting.

IELTS academic vocabulary contains the specific set of words that are frequently used in academic contexts. These words are essential for students who are planning to take the IELTS Academic test, as they will be tested on their ability to understand and use this vocabulary in their reading, writing, listening, and speaking tasks.

IELTS Academic Vocabulary

Here are some examples of IELTS academic vocabulary based on category:

Category Words (25)
Nouns Phenomenon, Analysis, Methodology, Hypothesis, Conclusion, Implication, Paradigm, Anomaly, Discourse, Framework, Perspective, Tendency, Corollary, Axiomatic, Empirical evidence, Intangible concept, Heterogeneous group, Homogeneous population, Nomenclature system, Apparatus (equipment), Terminology (specific words), Proposition (theory), Delineation (description), Postulate (assumption), Dichotomy (division)
Verbs Investigate, Evaluate, Analyze, Critique, Argue, Hypothesize, Substantiate, Refute, Correlate, Delineate (describe), Postulate (suggest), Categorize, Emphasize, Confer (discuss), Illustrate (explain), Acknowledge, Differentiate, Negotiate, Formulate (express), Synthesize (combine), Evaluate, Deduce (conclude), Induce (persuade), Extrapolate (infer), Implement (put into action)
Adjectives Significant, Relevant, Critical, Controversial, Complex, Comprehensive, Concise, Abstract, Concrete, Objective, Subjective, Vague, Ambiguous, Implicit, Explicit, Novel (new), Paradigm (typical), Equivocal (ambiguous), Hypothetical, Empirical, Theoretical, Methodological, Quantitative, Qualitative, Limited (restricted)
Adverbs Consequently (as a result), Furthermore (additionally), However (in contrast), Conversely (on the other hand), Nevertheless (in spite of that), Significantly (importantly), Subsequently (later), Evidently (clearly), Presumably (supposedly), Potentially (possibly), Inevitably (unavoidably), Conversely (on the other hand), Paradoxical (seemingly contradictory), Ironically (in a way that is contrary to what is expected), Generally (in most cases), Gradually (slowly), Substantially (considerably), Comparatively (in relation to something else), Ultimately (in the end), Conversely (on the other hand), Ethically (morally), Logically (using reason), Systematically (in a planned way), Chronologically (in order of time), Theoretically (in theory)

It’s the right time to learn about some more academic IELTS words related to different academic areas. Now it’s your task to sort them under different categories.

Table 1: Research and Analysis

Analysis Methodology
Framework Hypothesis
Data Conclusion
Implication Anomaly
Paradigm Empirical evidence
Quantitative Qualitative
Literature review Correlation
Deduction Extrapolate
Variables Validity
Reliability Ethical considerations

Table 2: Communication and Argument

Left Column Right Column
Discourse Argue
Critique Substantiate
Refute Counterargument
Persuasive Objective
Subjective Elicit
Ambiguous Explicit
Connotation Denotation
Logical fallacy Analogy
Rhetoric Tone
Cohesive Coherent
Table 3: Social Sciences and Education
Left Column Right Column
Community Culture
Socialization Stratification
Deviance Social mobility
Equity Access
Pedagogy Curriculum
Assessment Learning styles
Motivation Engagement
Inclusion Differentiation
Literacy Numeracy
Critical thinking Problem-solving skills

Table 4: Business and Economics

Left Column Right Column
Market Consumer
Supply and demand Investment
Financial literacy Cost-benefit analysis
Marketing strategy Globalization
Sustainability Ethical business practices
Human resources Management
Innovation Entrepreneurship
Competition Monopoly
Economic development Fiscal policy
Monetary policy

Table 5: Science and Technology

Left Column Right Column
Experiment Hypothesis
Independent variable Dependent variable
Observation Data analysis
Scientific method Theory
Technology Innovation
Artificial intelligence Machine learning
Sustainability Environmental impact
Biodiversity Climate change
Ethical considerations Scientific progress

Using a wide range of IELTS academic vocabulary in your test will help you to demonstrate your English language proficiency and achieve a higher score. There are many resources available online and in libraries to help you learn IELTS academic vocabulary. You can also find practice tests that will help you to get used to using this vocabulary in an academic context.

  1. Hobbies and Interests Vocabulary for IELTS
  2. Cue Cards for Speaking Practice

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