Examples of Round and Unrounded Vowels in English

In English, we know basic vowel letters such as a, e, i, o, and u. But for the spelling itself, these 5 words are used to represent at least 14 different single sound vowels called monophthongs and up to 5 dual sound vowels called diphthongs. And those sounds of vowel letters can be classified into few groups based on the characteristic of the pronouncement. But we will focus on the rounded and unrounded vowels category in this article.

What is Round Vowel?

The rounded vowels are letters that make our lips form an ‘o’ when it’s pronounced.

    How Can We Identify a Rounded Vowel?

  1. When we articulate the letter, our lips tend to form into a circle.
  2. It makes a huger amount of roundness from our lips when we spell it. 

    Type of Rounding Vowel :

There are two kinds of rounding when we’re spelling a word. These are the explanation

  1. Protruded Round 

In protruded rounding, the tip of the lips are drawn to each other so, it will protrude like a tube with the inner surface visible.

  1. Compressed Round 

In compressed rounding, the tip of the mouth will be merged horizontally, so it’s compressed but didn’t protrude, and only the outer lips surfaces are visible.

Examples of Rounded Vowels 

  1. Goose        ?        /y:/
  2. Nurse        ?        /ø:/
  3. Goat        ?        /œ?/
  4. Dog        ?        /?/
  5. Lot        ?        /?/ with o
  6. Stop       
  7. Sorry
  8. Restaurant
  9. Want
  10. Quality 
  11. Wash        ?        /?/ with a
  12. Ooze        ?        /u/
  13. Prune   
  14. Put
  15. Book        ?        /?/   
  16. Look
  17. Mouth        ?        /a?/
  18. Towns
  19. Down 
  20. South
  21. House
  22. Bone        ?        /??/
  23. Alone
  24. Pole
  25. Oat         ?        /o/

What are Unrounded Vowels?

The unrounded vowels are letters that are spelled with more relaxed lips.

    How Can We Identify an Unrounded Vowel?

  1. When we articulate the letter, our lips will be more wide horizontally
  2. Our lips are more relaxed when we pronounce a word with unrounded vowels. 
  3. It makes a smaller amount of roundness from our lips when we spell it. 

Examples of Unrounded Vowels

  1. Fleece        ?        /i:/
  2. See
  3. Diva
  4. Hit        ?        /?/
  5. Square        ?        /e:/
  6. Bait        ?        /e/
  7. Made
  8. Cat        ?        /æ/
  9. Laugh
  10. Plaid
  11. Spa        ?        /?/
  12. Summer    ?        /?/ with u
  13. Sun
  14. Thunder
  15. Won        ?        /?/ with o
  16. Honey
  17. Another 
  18. Done
  19. Arm        ?        /a:/ 
  20. Class
  21. Star 
  22. Example    ?        /?/   
  23. Second
  24. Area
  25. Pure        ?        /?e/
  26. Allowence
  27. Endure
  28. Life        ?        /a?/ 
  29. Quite
  30. Sometimes 

Keep exploring EnglishBix to learn more about different types of vowels in English and how they are pronounced.

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Cardinal Vowels12 Pure Vowel Sounds

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