This ultimate guide gives you a detail look at differences and example sentences of ‘Its’ vs ‘Their’ and how to correctly use them to avoid confusion.
Let’s see one example before starting.
Example 1: Its my responsibility to do it.
Example 2 : It is their bag.
Both its and their are pronouns. While its is a singular pronoun, their is a plural pronoun. So, without wasting anymore time let’s discuss Its vs Their.
When to Use Its in a Sentence
The three letter English word Its is used with singular nouns. Its is the possessive pronoun with an apostrophe t0 represent an the state of owning, or controlling something.
5 examples of sentences using Its:
- I don’t have to complain about its shape.
- The book is too vast for its subject.
- Its your time now.
- I want to see the bird and all its siblings.
- The bird is in its nest.
When to use Their in a Sentence
The three letter English word Their is used with plural nouns i.e the people or things which have been previously mentioned.
5 examples of sentences using Their:
- They will do their own things.
- I like their clothes.
- They have to repair their house.
- I have to prepare their food.
- I have to meet their teacher.
Try replacing these phrases with one another and you’ll see that sentences will sound untidy.
For example :
Correct : Parents love their children.
Wrong : Parents love its children.
Let us see a sentence using ‘Its’ and ‘their’ together.
Example : Its my duty to do their work.
After understanding the usages of possessive pronouns we can easily understand the difference between ‘Its’ and ‘Their’.
So next time when you are hung up on whether you should use ‘Its’ or ‘Their’, just refer to the above mentioned points and their literal meaning.