English is really a fascinating language. While learning new concepts and grammar techniques you generally come across a lot of words. Sometimes you are eager to know the meaning of the words and search through the dictionary.
Have to ever wonder how these words would have originated or from where they might have originated? The origin of these words is from different languages such as Sanskrit, French, Latin, Greek, and many more.
Greek and Latin Root Words List – Meaning & Examples
But before moving ahead we need to understand what do we mean by root words.
We know that the English words are formed by using some basic words and deriving a combination of words by adding prefixes and suffixes. This basic word to which we add suffix and prefix is called the root words. They are called so because they form the basis or foundation of a new word. It is essential to know that the root words are worse in its own right. They are sometimes a stand-alone word. It is very essential to understand the meaning of the common root word as it will help you to deduce the meaning of the new words that you might encounter. Sometimes the root word may have more than one meaning. Suppose you come across a greek word ‘tele’, it means far. Now when you add proper suffix or prefix to the word, you can get a new word such as television, telegraph, or telephone.
Let’s see some of the new words which are derived from various Latin & Greek root words.
Table of Greek Root Words List with Meanings & Examples
Root | Meaning | Examples |
anti | against | antibacterial, antidote, antithesis |
ast(er) | star | asteroid, astronomy, astronaut |
aqu | water | aquarium, aquatic, aqualung |
auto | self | automatic, automate, autobiograph |
biblio | book | bibliography, bibliophile |
bio | life | biography, biology, biodegradable |
chrome | color | monochromatic, phytochrome |
chrono | time | chronic, synchronize, chronicle |
doc | teach | document, docile, doctrinal |
dyna | power | dynasty, dynamic, dynamite |
geo | earth | geography, geology, geometry |
gno | to know | agnostic, acknowledge |
graph | write | autograph, graphic, demographic |
hydr | water | dehydrate, hydrant, hydropower |
kinesis | movement | kinetic, photokinesis |
logos | word, study | astrology, biology, theologian |
narc | sleep | narcotic, narcolepsy |
path | feel | empathy, pathetic, apathy |
phil | love | philosophy, bibliophile, philanthropy |
phon | sound | microphone, phonograph, telephone |
photo | light | photograph, photocopy, photon |
schem | plan | scheme, schematic |
syn | together, with | synthetic, photosynthesis |
tele | far | telescope, telepathy, television |
tropos | turning | heliotrope, tropical |
That was a list of greet words. Let’s now have a quick look at different Latin origin words and their meanings.
List of Common Latin Root Words – Meanings & Examples
Root | Meaning | Examples |
ab | to move away | abstract, abstain, aversion |
acer, acri | bitter | acrid, acrimony, exacerbate |
audi | hear | audible, audience, auditorium |
bene | good | benefit, benign, benefactor |
brev | short | abbreviate, brief |
circ | round | circus, circulate |
dict | say | dictate, edict, dictionary |
duc | lead, make | deduce, produce, educate |
fund | bottom | founder, foundation, funding |
gen | to birth | gene, generate, generous |
hab | to have | ability, exhibit, inhabit |
jur | law | jury, justice, justify |
lev | to lift | levitate, elevate, leverage |
log, logue | thought | logic, apologize, analogy |
luc, lum | light | lucid, illuminate, translucent |
manu | hand | manual, manicure, manipulate |
mis, mit | send | missile, transmit, permit |
omni | all | omnivorous, omnipotent, omniscent |
pac | peace | pacify, pacific, pacifist |
port | carry | export, import, important |
quit | silent, restive | tranquil, requiem, acquit |
scrib, script | to write | script, proscribe, describe |
sens | to feel | sensitive, sentient, resent |
terr | earth | terrain, territory, extraterrestrial |
tim | to fear | timid, timorous |
vac | empty | vacuum, vacate, evacuate |
vid, vis | to see | video, vivid, invisible |
Phew!, that was a long list, you would not be able to learn all the words in one go.
Now, you are familiar with an extensive list of Latin as well as Greek Root words. These root words give rise to newly formed complex words which will help you to improvise your English vocabulary. Make sure that you use each word every day while drafting some content or use it in your conversation on a daily basis. These root words would be applicable to creating some innovating words.