As we know that there are 26 letters of the alphabet. There are a lot of words that start from ‘Y’ and can be used for teaching pre-school kids. Therefore, we must select words that are easy for kids to read and comprehend.
This list of words starting with ‘Y’ is very rare and it can help kids excel and improve their vocabulary skills.
Words that Start with Letter Y
Let’s see the list of easy Y words which you can use to teach your Preschool & Kindergarten Kids:
- Yak: I saw a big yak in mountains
- Yarn: I wear clothes made of silk yarn
- Yo-yo: I enjoy playing a yo-yo game
- Yolk: I hate to eat yoke in the egg
- Yacht: I love a ride in yacht
- Yellow: my favorite color is yellow
- Yam: it is a plant
- Yogurt: we get at home different flavored yogurt
- Yawn: please don’t yawn in the classroom
- Yoga: I enjoy doing yoga with my friends
- Yard: I have a repair yard in my house
- Yell: a yell of pain
- Yes: I always believe in saying yes to my parents
- Youth: young person
- Yahoo: I enjoy watching yahoo
- Yakked: we all yakked about
- Year: I am six year old girl
- Years: we are friends from past three years
- Yum: the ice cream is yum in taste
- Yes: I said yes to my class teacher for play
- Yet: I am yet to finish my home work
- Yam: I love eating yam
- Yen: it is japan money currency
- Yew: it is evergreen tree
- Year: there are twelve months in a year
- You: you are a good boy
- Your: your books are with me
- Yap: yap, I have to go now
- Yard: a yard is equal to three feet
- Yarn: sweaters are made of yarn
- Yearly: we have yearly exams
- Yoga: I do yoga everyday
- York: I like to eat the York
- Young: I am a young boy
- Yourself: you yourself said no for pizza
To support learning of your kids we have prepared following letter y worksheets and printables.
After the knowledge of these y-words you also ask your kids learn these easy Dolch Sight Words for Preschool kids to get them a simple understanding of most common words.
It would be crazy for you to know that the words that start with ‘Y; makes for only 0.03% words of the entire English Dictionary. You can easily learn these easy words and impress yourself.