This section contains a list of masculine and feminine words varying in different categories. We have got two tables to provide you enough nouns with their gender words.
It is recommended to learn about different types of gender to help you distinguish the noun words.
Examples of Masculine and Feminine Gender Nouns
Table 1 : It Contains all the widely used words like father, brother, dad, aunt etc.
Masculine | Feminine |
Father | Mother |
Son | Daughter |
Brother | Sister |
God | goddess |
Man | Woman |
Bachelor | Maid / Spinster |
Cock | Hen |
Dog | Bitch |
Bull | Cow |
Drone | Bee |
Gander | Goose |
Waiter | Waitress |
Stag | Hind |
Gentleman | Lady |
Earl | Countess |
Husband | Wife |
Dad | mom |
Lord | Lady |
King | Queen |
Monk | Nun |
Boy | Girl |
Sir | Madam |
Uncle | Aunt |
Nephew | Niece |
Daddy | mummy |
Wizard | Witch |
Hart | Roe |
Drake | Duck |
Lion | Lioness |
Count | Countess |
Giant | Giantess |
Table 2: it is just the continuation of table 1 and adds more words to the list. Some words are less know while others are quite common and are used on a daily basis.
Masculine | Feminine |
Priest | Priestess |
Prophet | Prophetess |
Poet | Poetess |
Patron | Patroness |
Host | Hostess |
Viscount | Viscountess |
Shepherd | Shepherdess |
Steward | Stewardess |
Author | Authoress |
Manager | Manageress |
Bridegroom | Bride |
Jew | Jewess |
Baron | Baroness |
Mayor | Mayoress |
Peer | Peeress |
Negro | Negress |
Abbot | Abbess |
Emperor | Empress |
Traitor | Traitress |
Actor | Actress |
Benefactor | Benefactress |
Instructor | Instructress |
Conductor | Conductress |
Founder | Foundress |
Hunter | Huntress |
Tempter | Temptress |
Master | Mistress |
Tiger | Tigress |
Duke | Duchess |
Enchanter | Enchantress |
Songster | Songstress |
Hero | Heroine |
Sultan | Sultana |
Czar | Czarina |
Signor | Signora |
Man-servant | Maid-servant |
Prince | Princess |
He-goat | She-goat |
Cock-sparrow | Hen-sparrow |
Policeman | Policewoman |
Bull-calf | Cow-calf |
Murderer | Murderess |
Grand-father | Grand-mother |
Land-lord | Land-lady |
Milkman | Milkmaid |
Peacock | Peahen |
If you are curious enough and want to know how the feminine version of a word is formed follow the 3 rule guide to change the gender.
If you always had to figure out what is going to be the female or the male version of a particular word then this table and those bonus rules will help you find the words that you struggle with.
And we will try to keep the list updated with the latest material. Till then keep exploring EnglishBix for more quality resources on gender and its types.
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