100 Offensive Words List with Meanings

The definition of offensive is something, that can provoke feelings of hurt, anger, disgust, disapproval or resentment, or something associated with an aggressive attack.

It has a lot to do with crime or assault instead of self-defense.

Offensive Words with Meanings – A to Z

Following are commonly spoken offensive words around the world along with their meanings:

  1. Abnegation: the contradiction and rejection or belief
  2. Abrogate: pull out formally
  3. Abscond: run away, often taking something
  4. Abstruse: tough to know, profound or perplexed
  5. Accede: seek another’s wish or opinion or consent
  6. Aggrandize: surge the scope, power, or importance
  7. Alacrity: liveliness and eagerness
  8. Alias: a name that is called and has been expected temporarily
  9. Amorphous: with no definite form or having different shape
  10. Anachronistic: chronologically misplaced
  11. Beguile: motivated by the skills
  12. Bereaved: mourning or deprived of something
  13. Blandishment: cajolery to influence
  14. Bilk: cheat somebody, especially money
  15. Bombastic: showily and proud in style
  16. Camaraderie: the quality to afford easy familiarity and sociability
  17. Candor: honest and straightforward
  18. Capitulate: Surrendering with consent or agreement
  19. Carouse: Get drunk and does merrymaking
  20. Carp: freshwater fish
  21. Caucus: Selection of a candidate by the committee members
  22. Cavort: play rowdily
  23. Cleave: separate or cut with a tool
  24. Cobbler: a person who repairs and make shoes
  25. Cogent: Influential, forceful
  26. Cognizant: knowing, or showing knowledge
  27. Commensurate: corresponding in size or extent
  28. Complement: make perfect, something is added, praise
  29. Compunction: a feeling of deep regret, for misdeed
  30. Concomitant: accompanying as a consequence, connected
  31. Congruity: the quality to agree, suitable and appropriate
  32. Connive: scheme, conspire to do something
  33. Consign: give over for caring and supporting
  34. Constituent: one of the individual essential part for making up a composite entity
  35. Demagogue: a leader seeking support by appealing for popular passions
  36. Denigrate: attacking on the reputation of someone
  37. Derivative: a compound obtained from another compound
  38. Despot: a cruel, dictator
  39. Diaphanous: so thin to transmit even a light
  40. Didactic: instructive, moral,
  41. Dirge: a song or hymn or chanting
  42. Equanimity: calmness of mind under stress
  43. Forbearance: tolerance, self-control, or restraint
  44. Fractious: easily irritated or annoyed
  45. Garrulous: full of petty conversation
  46. Gourmand: a person who believes only in eating and drinking to excess
  47. Grandiloquent: arrogant in style
  48. Gratitude: unnecessary and unwarranted, gratefulness
  49. Hapless: unfortunate and deserving pity
  50. Hegemony: the authority or leadership
  51. Heterogeneous: consisting of basics that are not of the same kind
  52. Iconoclast: someone who attacks precious ideas or institutions
  53. Idiosyncratic: unusual to the individual
  54. Impecunious: not having enough money to pay for necessities
  55. Inure: cause to accept or become hardened to
  56. Invective: abusive language used to express blame
  57. Intransigent: resistant to pleas, encouragement, requests, or reason
  58. Inveterate: Habitual
  59. Irreverence: a mental attitude showing lack of due respect, discourtesy
  60. Knell: the sound of a bell rung slowly to announce a death
  61. Laconic: brief and make it to the point
  62. Largesse: taking liberality in bestowing gifts
  63. Legerdemain: an misleading feat
  64. Libertarian: doing an advocacy for freedom of thought and speech
  65. Licentious: missing moral discipline
  66. Maverick: someone who reveals independence in thought and action
  67. Mawkish: lavishly or insincerely emotional
  68. Maxim: a saying that is widely accepted on its own merits
  69. Mendacious: given to lying
  70. Noisome: offensively foul
  71. Noxious: injurious to physical or mental health
  72. Obdurate: stubbornly persistent in wrongdoing
  73. Obfuscate: make unclear or uncertain
  74. Obstreperous: noisily and willfully defiant
  75. Officious: disturbing or offensive manner
  76. Onerous: burdensome or difficult to endure
  77. Ostensible: appearing as such but not necessarily so
  78. Ostracism: the act of excluding someone from society by general consent
  79. Palliate: lessen or to try to lessen the seriousness or extent of
  80. Panacea: imaginary remedy for all ills or diseases
  81. Paradigm: a standard or typical example
  82. Pertinacious: stubbornly unyielding
  83. Plaudit: eager recognition and approval
  84. Plenitude: a full supply
  85. Quaint: attractively old-fashioned, charming, pretty
  86. Quixotic: not sensible about practical matters, unrealistic
  87. Quandary: state of uncertainty in a choice between unfavorable options
  88. Recalcitrant: stubbornly resistant to authority or control
  89. Redoubtable: inspiring fear
  90. Relegate: assign to a lower position
  91. Rife: excessively abundant
  92. Sanctimonious: excessively or hypocritically pious
  93. Sanguine: confidently optimistic and cheerful
  94. Toady: a person who tries to please someone to gain an advantage
  95. Torpid: in a condition of biological rest or suspended animation
  96. Travesty: a composition that imitates or misrepresents a style
  97. Truculent: defiantly aggressive
  98. Ubiquitous: being present everywhere at once
  99. Umbrage: a feeling of anger caused by being offended
  100. Upbraid: express criticism towards

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