Adjective Words to Describe Snake and Reptiles

A snake is a legless reptile with a long, scaly body and eats large insects or small animals and birds.

Almost all snakes are covered with scales and, like reptiles, have cold blood and must control their body temperature outside. Although some species have rough scales, most scales combine carefully. This means that their skin is smooth when you rub it towards the scales.

Adjective Words to Describe Snake

Following are common adjectives used for describing different types of Snakes, and other reptile animals:

Word Meaning
big conspicuous in position or importance
brown brown in color
dangerous  causing fear or anxiety by threatening great harm
frisky playful like a lively kitten
furious marked by extreme and violent energy
gliding Flying snakes are mildly venomous, though the venom is dangerous only to their small prey
horrible  provoking horror
large fairly large in size
loathsome highly offensive; arousing aversion or disgust
locking the act of locking something up to protect it
poisonous  marked by deep ill will; deliberately harmful
spirited Spirited symbol of snake has been a big variety depending on different cultures
splendid The snake appeared cold, dark and splendid with the sun glazing over its scales
striking attracting attention by reason of being unusual, extreme, or prominent
striped marked or decorated with stripes
twisting in a twisting, winding, wriggling manner, like a snake
uncommon Is a non-poisonous, entirely harmless
vengeful Where crouching tigers wait their hapless prey
venomous extremely poisonous or injurious; producing venom
winged  legendary creatures sometimes depicted as winged serpents.

Snakes have four ways to move.

Serpentine: Snakes will come out of any bump or other place, rocks, trees, etc., to keep going.

Concertina: A snake grabs the back of its body while pushing and stretching the front part. Then the snake drops the front part of their body and straightens up and pulls the back part.

Sidewinding: The snake appears to throw its head forward and its whole body follows while the head is thrown forward again.

Rectilinear: The snake uses some large scales in the abdomen to hold it down while pushing forward with others.

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  2. Words to Describe Animals
  3. Wild Animal Names with Pictures
  4. Collective Nouns for Group of Animals