Adjective Words To Describe Villain

The villain is an evil person, one who comes up with demonic intention in some way causing harm or ruin.

The villain may actually believe that he is helping the community, but it does damage the process. In the old days, a villain would injure a depressed girl, who needed a hero to save her. These days, we see many women as villains and heroes, and a depressed girl can be a man or a society. However, the features of the archetype remain the same, only gender changes.

Adjective Words to Describe Villains

Word Meaning
abominable exceptionally bad or displeasing
bloodthirsty marked by eagerness to resort to violence and bloodshed
cruel able or disposed to inflict pain or suffering
damned people who are condemned to eternal punishment
dangerous causing fear or anxiety by threatening great harm
daring a challenge to do something dangerous or foolhardy
defiant boldly resisting authority or an opposing force
devilish showing the cunning or ingenuity or wickedness typical of a devil
heartless lacking in feeling or pity or warmth
heinous extremely wicked, deeply criminal
hideous grossly offensive to decency or morality; causing horror
insidious working or spreading in a hidden and usually injurious way
miserable characterized by physical misery
monstrous shockingly brutal or cruel
murderous characteristic of or capable of or having a tendency toward killing another human being
nasty disgustingly dirty; filled or smeared with offensive matter
notorious known widely and usually unfavorably
remorseless without mercy or pity
ruthless  without mercy or pity
treacherous dangerously unstable and unpredictable
troublesome causing difficulty or annoyance
unblushing feeling no shame
ungrateful not feeling or showing gratitude
unworthy lacking in value or merit
wicked  intensely or extremely bad or unpleasant in degree or quality