One of the reasons why English spelling is so difficult to learn is because often the same sound is spelled in a variety of ways. Today we’ll discuss about vowel ‘i’ and different sounds produced by it when used in a word.
We have prepared an extensive phonics list to introduces students to “short i” and “long i” sound words.
Short I Vowel Sound Words
bin | bid | big | bit | dim | did |
dig | dip | fin | fig | fit | gin |
gig | him | his | hid | hit | hip |
jib | jig | kin | kid | kit | lid |
lit | lip | nip | pin | pig | pit |
rim | rid | rig | rip | sin | sit |
sip | tin | tip | win | wit | zip |
If you take a good look at the words given in the above table and try to pronounce them you will observe that you’ll hear a soft ‘i’ sound it because we don’t have to stress on the vowel ‘i’.
In past blog posts we’ve looked at how to spell the long /a/ sound and long /e/ sound. Now let’s have a look at long ‘i’ vowel words where you will see that we have to put stress on vowel ‘i’ if we want to pronounce the word correctly.
Long I Vowel Sound Words
Following is a list of long i sound phonics words for kids:
Iron | Irate | Pilot | Silent | Wide | Tide |
Bright | Align | Knight | Sign | Slight | Design |
Bike | Like | Hike | Mike | Fine | Mine |
Hide | Slide | Guide | Mind | Find | Kind |
Dime | Time | Shine | Dine | Sight | Site |
Bite | Kite | Mite | Might | Fight | Light |
Deny | Die | Apply | Pie | Shy | Tie |
Let’s see the six ways of spelling the long /i/ sound with example words.
1. Using Letter I: These are polysyllabic words which spell the long /i/ sound with just the letter i. Usually long /i/ sound is in the first syllable
Idea | Item | Iron | Irate |
Final | Pilot | Crisis | Silent |
2. I – E Words: Here long /i/ sound is spelled using a split digraph i_e with an i in the middle of the word and an e at the end of the word.
Wide | Tide | Hide | Life |
Hike | Time | Shine | Gripe |
Slide | Dive | Bribe | Reconcile |
3. IGH Words: Here we use letters igh to spell the long /i/ sound where the g and h are silent letters.
High | Bright | thigh | Slight |
Knight | Highlight | twilight | nightmare |
- IG Words: These words spell the long /i/ sound with the letters ig and end with the letter n.
Align | Sign | Resign |
Assign | Consign | Design |
5. Y Words: In these words the long /i/ sound is spelled with the letter y. (usually at the end of a word and sometimes in the middle)
Dry | Shy | Sly | multiply |
By | Deny | Apply | Identify |
6. IE Words: the long /i/ sound is spelled with the letters ie at the end.
Die | Pie | Lie | Tie |
Denied | Applied | Identified | Multiplied |
We put lot of emphasis on vowel ‘i’ that is why they are called Long ‘i’ vowel words.
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