Soft-spoken Vocabulary Words List

In this article, we will learn the synonym for the word ‘soft-spoken’. But before furthermore, do you know what does soft-spoken mean? 

The soft-spoken means someone that speaks gently and in a calm tone. It can also be interpreted as a person who is well-mannered and courteous, so the same goes also for their manner of speech, so their voice is mild.

Soft Spoken Vocabulary – List of Synonyms

Below is a vocabulary list with sentences as examples for synonyms of soft-spoken words that I will divide into their sub-basic meaning, with the ‘soft-spoken’ as the basic meaning. So let’s head to the list.

Sub-basic WordsSynonyms
Wellmannered, Well-spoken, Urbane, Well-bred
Self-conscious, Unpretentious, Supplicatory, Unambitious, Reverential, Timorous
Smooth tongued, Suave

Breathy, Appealing, Croaky, Flat
Other relevant words

Hushed, Low-pitched, Articulated, Fair-spoken, Muffled, Peaceful, Gentle, Mild, Low, Smooth

Sentence Examples:

  1. Diana speaks and is dressed formally. She is well-mannered.
  2. Mrs. Amy’s words are carefully chosen and well-spoken.
  3. During the conversation, we realize that he was suave and urbane.
  4. She was too well-bred to be mad at him. 
  5. Although she speaks so gently, she is very humble.
  6. Martin is the most soft-spoken among his friends. 
  7. The journalist kept his voice low-pitched in case someone was voice recording.
  8. The tone when Amber is talking is very mild
  9. Sophia’s voice is soft but flat.
  10. It feels so nice when I hear her peaceful voice as she sings. 
  11. My teacher talks with a smooth voice.
  12. She suddenly lowers her speech.
  13. Annie is a quiet girl, and when she talks, her voice sound so calm but a bit croaky.

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