Examples of Minimal Pairs in English

Minimal Pair Speech Therapy. Does it sound something new to you? Well yes. Before getting to know about the entire list of minimal pair words we should know what does it mean and how to apply them in English teaching. 

Basically, minimal speech therapy refers to a small pair of words. There is a difference between a simple pair of words and minimal speech therapy words are the use of phoneme. It will make it easier for kids to read and learn with proper pronunciation. Even if they have to read some complicated kids can break the words into simple pairs and then learn to pronounce. 

There are many minimal pairs to choose from here for phonological therapy. it is recommended to start with teaching as few as 3 to 5 minimal pairs in order for students to show spontaneous generalisation to other words containing the target sounds.

Minimal Pairs List for Speech Therapy

Following is a set of different minimal pair word lists for speech pathology / speech therapy (SP/ST) to help children with speech sound disorders.

1. b and p, p and b, t and p

bee/pea bin/pin beg/peg beep/peep
bay/pay beach/peach bark/park big/pig
bees/peas bath/path bug/pug bye/pie
pea/bee pin/bin peg/beg peep/beep
pay/bay peach/beach park/bark pig/big
peas/bees path/bath pug/bug tie/pie
tine/pine tall/Paul teal/peel ten/pen

2. d and p, b and t

tail/pail tea/pea tin/pin teach/peach
tease/peas die/pie dine/pine deal/peel
din/pin deep/peep day/pay dark/park
dig/pig deal/peel boo/two bed/Ted
bow/tow boy/toy bee/tea buy/tie

3. p and t, t and b

bin/tin bug/tub book/took back/tack
bun/ton buck/tuck pie/tie pine/tine
Paul/tall peel/teal pen/ten pale/tail
pea/tea pin/tin peach/teach peas/tease
pan/tan toe/bow toy/boy tea/bee

4. t and b, d and b, b and d

tie/buy two/boo Tone/bone tall/ball
tight/bite tail/bale team/beam dough/bow
D/bee die/buy do/boo duck/buck
den/Ben day/bay date/bait dark/bark
dust/bust bow/dough buy/die boo/do

5. b and d, p and d

buck/duck bay/day bait/date bark/dark
bog/dog big/dig bust/dust bug/Doug
beep/deep pie/die pine/dine pin/din
peal/deal peep/deep pay/day park/dark
pig/dig peel/deal pill/dill boat/goat

6. b and c, b and k, b and g

bee/key book/cook bite/kite ball/call
bone/cone bap/cap bow/cow Bart/cart
bale/kale bog/cog beep/keep bow/go
buy/guy bus/Gus bag/gag bowl/goal

7. b and g, b and f

bet/get bait/gate best/guest bold/gold
brass/grass bust/gust bus/fuss bin/fin
bite/fight big/fib bun/fun ball/fall
bell/fell bone/phone bead/feed box/fox

8. b and v, b and s

bat/fat bowl/foal bee/v ban/van
bale/veil best/vest bat/vat bet/vet
bowl/vole bees/V’s bow/vow bile/vile
bean/scene bun/sun bee/sea beet/seat

9. b and s, p and s

back/sack bead/seed band/sand bale/sale
balloon/saloon bell/cell Billy/silly box/socks
P/she pie/shy pin/shin pot/shot
pop/shop pip/ship peep/sheep park/shark
pine/shine peat/sheet power/shower Pooh/shoe

10. b and s, b and h

beep/sheep Bert/shirt beet/sheet bow/show
bark/shark bell/shell boo/shoe bin/shin
bee/she buy/shy back/shack book/shook
bee/he beep/heap bay/hay bug/hug

11. b and h, b and j

bye/hi bow/hoe book/hook back/hack
ball/hall bale/hail bat/hat bold/hold
bowl/hole beep/jeep bump/jump beans/jeans
bet/jet bunk/junk bog/jog bug/jug

12. b and j, d and r, d and w

big/jig belly/jelly back/Jack dough/row
die/rye dead/red dale/rail door/roar
day/ray date/rate Doug/rug dig/rig
dust/rust die/why dip/whip deep/weep
den/when dig/wig dine/wine deal/wheel

14. d and o, d and y, t and w

done/one dale/whale deed/weed dial/while
dot/yacht den/yen day/yay do/you
debt/yet dawn/yawn dam/yam dell/yell
dumb/yum tie/why tin/win toe/woe
type/wipe ton/one tag/wag tight/white

14. t and w, p and w

tail/whale test/west tall/wall pie/why
pin/win pipe/wipe peep/weep pen/when
purse/worse page/wage pig/wig pearl/whirl

The minimal pairs are useful for both English as a Second Language (ESL) and English as a Foreign Language (EFL) teaching and learning purposes.

Deaffrication Minimal Pairs

Deaffrication is one of several types from sound changing classification. The difference form in deaffrication itself occurs the elimination of stop from the affricate sound. So, it will form a fricative sound. In conclusion, deaffrication is an affricative that turns into a fricative.

Read more: Fricative and Affricate Consonant Sounds

Below is the examples for deaffrication minimal pairs, that occurs when an affricate is replaced with a fricative:

1. /?/ to /?/

/?/ /?/
Choose Shoes
Chop Shop
Chair Share
Cheap Sheep
Chew Shoe
Chip Ship

2. /?/ to /?/

/?/ /?/
Watch Wash
Crutch Crush
Hatch Hash
Match Mash
Leech Leash
Switch Swish
Witch Wish
Butch Bush
Hutch Hush

And there is also the case that when a stop have a role in an affricative form, below are the examples. 

3. /?/ to /d/ 

/?/ /d/
Jeep Deep
Jive Dive
Jam Dam
Jog Dog
Jig Dig
Just Dust

4. /?/ to /g/

/?/ /g/
Juice Goose
Jet Get
Joe Go
Jig Gig
Jail Gale
Jest Guest
Jess Guess
G Ghee
Jot Got
Just Gust

5. /?/ to /d/

/?/ /d/
Budge Bud
Ledge Lead
Siege Seed
Bludge Blood
Page Paid
Hedge Head
Wedge Wed
Badge Bad
Age Aid

6. /?/ to /t/ – beginning

/?/ /t/
Cheese Ts
Chop Top
Chin Tin
Chew Two
Chai Tie
Chick Tick (check) and (flea)
Chalk Talk
Chest Test
Chip Tip
Chews Twos
Chart Tart

7. /?/ to /t/

/?/ /t/
Patch Pat
Arch Art
Beach Beat also Beet
Aich Eight
Hatch Hat
Ouch Out
Match Mat
Porch Port
Hutch Hut
Coach Coat
Pitch Pit
Pouch Pout

Keep exploring EnglishBix for more quality resources on linguistics and speech therapy.

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Techniques to Teach English Pronunciation

Word Pairs List in English


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