Psychology is the field of study of the human mind and a psychological trait is a quality or a feature that a person possesses. There are 16 main personality traits in psychology. Let’s take a look at each one of them:
1. Openness
Openness mainly refers to being open to new experiences and having wide ranges of interest. People possessing this trait in abundance are highly curious, and creative.
Key Features
- Creative
- Always ready to try new things
- Concentrated on facing new obstacles
- Don’t dislike changes and can consider theoretical concepts
2. Conscientiousness
This trait includes showing very goal-dedicated behaviour, being highly thoughtful, and organized. Here are other key features.
Key Features
- Prioritizing and finishing important tasks
- Always focusing on minute details
- Prepared and organized
- Takes care of things
3. Extraversion
People possessing this trait in abundance are highly emotional, expressive, and assertive. They are extroverts. Here are some key features.
Key Features
- Like to start conversations
- High energy, love meeting new people
- Like to have a huge social circle and be the centre of attention
- Speak first before thinking about speaking
4. Agreeableness
This trait includes kindness, trust, and selflessness. Such people are very co-operative.
Key Features
- Always concerned for others
- Takes a great deal of interest in others
- Will always help others who are in need
- Contributes to other’s happiness
5. Neuroticism
People possessing this trait in abundance can feel anxious and sad more than others. They can also be moody.
Key Features
- A lot of stress
- Can be emotionally unstable
- Experiences mood swings and may get upset easily
- Worried about many things at once
6. Honesty-Humility
People possessing this trait are very sincere and fair. Here are some more features:
Key Features
- Very modest
- Never greedy. Always avoiding greed
- Won’t break their principles for personal profit
- Won’t feel the need to manipulate anybody
7. Low Self-Esteem
People high in this trait often feel anxious and avoid most social situations. Here are some more features about them:
Key Features
- Compare themselves to other in a negative way and disregard themselves
- They pay less attention to their own needs
- Low expectations and don’t trust their own choices
- May feel nervous and sad
8. Harm Avoidance
People possessing this trait are fearful and unsure. They also resort to pessimism and doubtfulness.
Key Features
- Always worried
- Easily fatigued
- Uncertain
9. Novelty Seeking
People high in this trait are fickle and extravagant. This trait is related to novel stimulation. They take decisions in an impulsive way.
Key Features
- Short-Tempered
- Exploratory
- Excitable
10. Sensory Processing Sensitivity – SPS
SPS stands for Sensory Processing Sensitivity. This is also the main trait of highly sensitive people. It is often mistaken with a disorder but it is actually a personality trait present in almost 20% of all humans.
11. Perfectionism
It is a personality trait in which a person feels the need to look or be perfect.
Key Features
- Concentrated on results
- May procrastinate
- Scared to fail
- Moved by fear
12. Alexithymia
Alexithymia is also considered the incapacity to express emotions.
Key Features
- Socially detached
- Emotionally unaware
- Can only relate on an interpersonal level
13. Rigidity
People who are high in this trait are rigid and lack empathy.
Key Features
- Inflexible
- Sticking to a pattern and finding it difficult to adapt to a new one
14. Impulsivity
This trait involves acting impulsively and also involves disinhibition
Key Features
- Taking risks
- Not planning
- Quick decisions
15. Psychoticism
This trait involves hostility and aggressive behaviour.
Key Features
- Manipulation
- Irresponsibility
16. Obsessionality
This trait includes being occupied and obsessed with a particular thought.
Key Features
The thoughts they experience are:
- Unwelcoming
- Persistent
- Disturbing
Our personalities largely make up the person who we are, and how we are perceived by other people living around us. .
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