Adjectives, Nouns, Verbs Words Ending in y

Adjectives are the most significant terms in English grammar. Because they add beauty and style to a sentence. There wouldn’t be a proper describing term, if there’s no presence of an adjective in a sentence. So “an adjective is the one that describes a noun in a sentence.”. Do not confuse with the adverb. An adverb describes a verb. Besides, an adjective describes a noun.

There are plethora of adjectives in English grammar. This article can be used as an extensive guide for adjectives that end with the suffix “-y”. Let’s see what are those.

List of Words Ending with y

  1. advisory, agro-industry, airy, ancillary, abbey, accessory, angry, anticipatory, arbitrary, auxiliary
  2. bloody, blue-sky, blurry, boxy, brassy, brawny, baggy, balmy, beefy, binary, blocky, breathy, breezy, budgetary, bulky, bumpy, burly, bushy, busy, buy
  3. classy, clingy, cloudy, clubby, clumsy, clunky, cocky, compensatory, complementary, complimentary, compulsory, contemporary, contradictory, contrary, costly, courtly, cowardly, cosy, crafty, crazy, creamy, crispy, crony, cross-currency, crusty, cuddly, curly, cursory, customary
  4. daily, dandy, dastardly, deadly, defamatory, deflationary, deputy, dietary, dingy, dippy, dirty, disciplinary, discretionary, discriminatory, disorderly, diversionary, dowdy, dreamy, dreary, dry, dummy, dusty
  5. early, earthly, earthy, easy, edgy, elderly, elementary, empty, endearingly, everyday, evolutionary, exactingly, exclusionary, excretory, exemplary, expectantly, explanatory, exploratory, extraordinary
  6. fairy, fancy, faraway, faulty, feathery, feisty, fiduciary, fiery, filthy, five-day, five-story, flaky, flashy, flimsy, floppy, fluffy, foggy, folksy, food-safety, foolhardy, four-day, fragmentary, friendly, frisky, frosty, frothy, fruity, frumpy, funky, funny, furry, fuzzy
  7. gaudy, gay, gentlemanly, ghastly, ghostly, giddy, give-away, glassy, gloomy, gloriously, glossy, goofy, gossipy, grainy, grassy, greasy, greedy, grey, grimy, grisly, gritty, grubby, guilty, gutsy
  8. hairy, half-empty, hallucinatory, handy, happy, hardy, hasty, haughty, hazy, heady, healthy, hearty, heavy, heavy-duty, hefty, hereditary, hilly, holy, honorary, hourly, hungry, husky
  9. icy, identically, iffy, illusory, imaginary, immaculately, improvisatory, incendiary, inflammatory, inflationary, information-technology, inner-city, inter-agency, intercity, intraday, introductory, involuntary, itchy
  10. jaunty, jazzy, jittery, jolly, jowly, juicy, jumpy
  11. key, kindly, kitschy, knotty, kooky
  12. lanky, large-city, latter-day, lazy, leafy, leaky, leery, legendary, leisurely, lengthy, less-risky, lewinsky, likely, limited-apology, literary, lively, lofty, lonely, loony, loopy, lousy, lovely, low-density, low-key, lowly, lucky, lumpy
  13. male-only, mammary, mandatory, many, masterly, maximum-security, measly, melancholy, mercenary, merry, messy, mighty, military, milky, miserly, missionary, modern-day, momentary, monetary, monthly, moody, mostly, muddy, muggy, multifamily, murky, museum-quality, mushy
  14. nasty, nearby, necessary, needy, neighbourly, nerdy, newly, nifty, nightly, nine-day, nine-story, no-fly, noisy, non-monetary, nosy, noteworthy, nutty
  15. obligatory, office-supply, oily, okay, olfactory, once-sleepy, one-day, one-family, one-party, one-story, one-way, only, orderly, ordinary, ornery
  16. paltry, panicky, paramilitary, parliamentary, participatory, peppy, perky, personal-injury, petty, phony, picky, pithy, planetary, play-by-play, plenary, plenty, plucky, police-community, poor-quality, power-hungry, power-play, praiseworthy, precautionary, predatory, preliminary, preparatory, preppy, present-day, press-happy, pretty, pricey, prickly, primary, princely, privy, pro-democracy, product-liability, promissory, proprietary, proxy, punchy, puny, pushy
  17. quality, quarterly, quirky
  18. racy, raggedly, rainy, reactionary, read-only, ready, recessionary, reedy, regulatory, respiratory, retaliatory, revolutionary, rickety, risky, ritzy, rocky, roomy, rosy, rotary, rowdy, rudimentary, runaway, rusty
  19. saintly, salutary, same-day, sandy, sanitary, sappy, sassy, satisfactory, savvy, scary, scholarly, scrappy, seamy, secondary, second-story, seedy, self-congratulatory, self-regulatory, sensory, seven-day, seven-story, shabby, shadowy, shady, shaggy, shaky, shapely, shifty, shiny, shoddy, shy, sickly, signatory, silky, silly, silvery, single-country, single-day, single-party, six-day, six-story, sketchy, skimpy, skinny, sleazy, sleepy, slimy, slinky, slippery, sloppy, sly, small-company, smarmy, smelly, smoky, snappy, sneaky, snooty, snowy, soggy, solitary, sonny, sorry, speedy, spicy, spiffy, splashy, sport-utility, sporty, spotty, sprightly, squeaky, standby, stand-by, stately, stationary, statutory, steady, stealthy, steely, sticky, stingy, stocky, stodgy, stormy, stray, stubby, stuffy, sturdy, subsidiary, sugary, sundry, sunny, supervisory, sweaty
  20. tacky, tardy, tasty, tawdry, telephony, temporary, tertiary, testy, theatrically, third-party, thirsty, thorny, three-day, three-story, three-way, thrifty, throwaway, tidy, timely, tiny, tony, top-heavy, top-quality, topsy-turvy, tory, touchy, transboundary, trendy, tricky, trustworthy, tunny, turn-of-the-century, twangy, tweedy, twice-daily, two-day, two-family, two-story, two-way
  21. ugly, uncanny, uneasy, unfriendly, ungainly, unhappy, unhealthy, unholy, unitary, unlikely, unlucky, unnecessary, unruly, unsatisfactory, unsavoury, unseemly, unsightly, untimely, untrustworthy, unwary, unwieldy, unworthy
  22. very, veterinary, virtually, visionary, voluntary
  23. wacky, wary, watery, wealthy, weary, weekly, weighty, whacky, white-minority, wide-body, wily, windy, wintry, wiry, witty, wobbly, woolly, woozy, worldly, world-weary, worthy, wry
  24. Yearly
  25. Zany, zesty, zippy

Phew! that was a really long post. The purpose of the text today is to enhance your vocabulary with adjective words ending with suffix -y. Keep exploring EnglishBix to learn about prefix and suffix words in English.

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