The soul is the invisible and complete foundation of who you are at the core – it is your true nature. Since all life in its context is energy, the soul is all this energy – the perfect value that heals us, moves us, and speaks to us in calm moments when we need guidance.
The soul will never run-away and be lost, instead, it loses contact with it due to trauma and internal wounds. Your soul is always there, just hidden in the filth and debris of life.
When we go outside in nature, be aware of the trees around you. If you pay attention, you will find that each one has a difference, not only in appearance but in power – that is the soul of the tree. The same can be said of anything you encounter, a dog, a bird, a cloud, a mountain, even a cell phone, a tablet, or a laptop reading this. Everything has a certain ‘such-ness’ that separates it from other things.
Adjective Words to Describe Soul
Following are some adjective words you can use to describe a beautiful Soul:
Ardent | Foolish | Lofty |
Aspiring | Free | Lonely |
Bad Soul | Gifted Soul | Lost |
Beautiful | Glorious | Mighty Soul |
Blacker | Good Soul | Mortal |
Brave | Great Soul | Naked |
Bright | Guilty | New |
Conscious | Happy | Noble |
Damned Soul | Heroic | Old |
Dead | High | Parting |
Dear Friend | Holy | Pious Soul |
Deathless Soul | Honest | Precious |
Departing | Human Soul | Proud |
Distressed | Hungry Soul | Pure |
Divine Soul | Immortal Soul | Quiet |
Eager | Individual | Rational |
Earnest | Inmost | Reasonable |
Eternal | Innocent | Restless Soul |
Faithful | Kind | Sad |
Finer | Living Soul | Secret |
Sensitive | Sick | Silly |
Simple | Sinful | Single |
Smaller | Strong | Sweet |
Tender | Thirsty | Timid |
Troubled | Tortured | True |
Wandering | Weary | White |
True | Wretched | Young |
Further more people often get confused differentiating soul with spirit:
Most people are confused about the difference between the soul and the spirit. They sound similar and are often used interchangeably – but they are not the same.
While the soul is connected to the earth, the spirit is connected to heaven. While the soul is the door to entry into the mysteries of the unknown, the spirit opens the door to infinite unity. The soul is found in the subconscious or in the “underground” realm, while the soul meets the regions of the supernatural. When we taste both of these peoples we feel the mysterious feelings of happiness, but the soul is connected with wild dreams, joys, and visions, and the spirit leads to the experience of pure, enlightened, devoid of contentment.
Here we can see the fundamental difference between the soul and the abridged soul: The soul is earthly, complex, and attainable with little knowledge of dreams and visions. The spirit, on the other hand, is heavenly, has no content, and is found in regions of pure awareness.
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