Adjective Words to Describe God and Holy Spirit

The first thing we can say is that God is ‘greater’ than we are in every way. So we cannot fully describe him or understand him.

We know something about God, but we depend on him to reveal it to us.

God is a person with a personality. God is glorious, absolutely wonderful and completely different from us in this way.

The holy spirit is God’s active force. God sends spirit by using power everywhere to accomplish its will. It refers to God’s power, attribute, and influence to the universe or to his creatures. The Holy Spirit is the third person of the Trinity.

The Holy Spirit makes the Christian life live among individual believers and enables them to live righteous and faithful lives. The Holy spirit also acts as a comforter, one who pleads, or who supports or acts as a lawyer, especially in times of trial.

The Holy Spirit is the presence of God in the believer’s life. But this does not mean that God is divided into three parts.

People often define the Holy Spirit as being present or “existing.” But the Holy Spirit is a person, not something. The Holy Spirit is God. The Holy Spirit has thoughts and will.

The Holy Spirit has many different functions. But the first thing we need to understand is that the Holy Spirit is given to people who believe in Jesus to bind them with God and help them become more like Him. For Christians, the experience of eternal life does not begin at death but when they trust in Jesus and God puts his spirit in them.

Adjective Words to Describe God

Almightyhaving unlimited power
Ancientbelonging to times long past especially of the historical period
Blessconfer prosperity or happiness on
blessesconfer prosperity or happiness
comforterperson who reduces the intensity (e.g., of fears) and calms and pacifies emblem of peace
eternallasting for an indefinitely long period of time
everlastingcontinuing forever or indefinitely
fearregard with feelings of respect and reverence
graciousdisposed to bestow favors
holyderived from or associated with a divine power
immanentof qualities that are spread throughout something
infinite total and all-embracing
intercessorwho acts as a link, who connects
invisiblenot prominent or readily noticeable
mercifulcharacterized by mercy, and compassion
mightyhaving or showing great force or intensity
omnipotenthaving unlimited power
omnipresent being present everywhere
powerfulstrong enough to overwhelm
Presence of GodDivine presence, presence of God, Inner God
righteouscharacterized by or proceeding from accepted standards of morality or justice
supreme greatest in status or authority or power
transcendentbeyond and outside the ordinary range of human experience or understanding
unknownnot known
unseennot observed