Adjective Words To Describe Climate Change

Climate change is a long-term change in the average weather patterns that have come to define Earth’s local, regional and global climates.

The changes are observed in the Earth’s climate since the beginning of the 20th century and are mainly driven by human activities, especially the burning of gasoline, which increases the levels of greenhouse gases in the Earth’s atmosphere, which in turn increases global temperatures. This increase in human-produced temperature is often referred to as global warming.

Words to Describe Climate change

Following is the list of adjective words describing Climate Change in writing:

betterchanged for the better in health or fitness
coldthe absence of heat
cool loose heat
coolerhow much cooler I’ll be in summer
culturalCultural and Social Life
delightfulgreatly pleasing or entertaining
drydry weather
economicconcerned with worldly necessities of life
emotional of or pertaining to emotion
favorableThe days were fair and the winds were favorable
fine pleasant; not raining, perhaps with the sun shining
globalglobal warming
harshunpleasantly stern
hotfeeling or causing a sensation of heat or burning
humidcontaining or characterized by a great deal of water vapor
humidcontaining or characterized by a great deal of water vapor
idealconforming to an ultimate standard of perfection or excellence
intellectualappealing to or using the intellect
Mediterranean located near the Mediterranean Sea
mildmoderate in type or degree or effect
moistmoist in air
northernsituated in or coming from regions of the north
pleasantbeing in harmony with your taste or likings
presentweather present condition
socialenjoying life in communities or organized groups
southernsituated in or coming from regions of the south
subtropicalcharacteristic of conditions in the subtropics
suitableappropriate for a condition or occasion
sunnybright and pleasant
temperatethe degree of hotness or coldness of environment
tropicalof or relating to the tropics, or either tropic
unhealthydetrimental to health
warmagreeable degree of heat or imparting or maintaining heat
warmerwarm feeling in weather
wetcovered or soaked with a liquid such as water

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