Work and Workplace English Vocabulary Words

Today we will discuss vocabulary related to the place everyone has to go, “the work place.” No matter what type of work it is, the place where it is done is said to be the work place. Here people spend most of the time of their life; they come in the morning and leave in the evening.

There are several equipments that every office has such as order book, bookcase, UPS, CPU, laser or ink-jet printer, projector, clipboard, photocopier, folders, letter opener, shredder etc. These all are everyday use products and everyone must know how to use them. All these should be readily available to keep the work going on smoothly.

We have prepared a list of more than 35 words related to work and your workplace terms.

Work and Workplace Vocabulary for Professionals

Enterprise Abode Firm Hot desking Incumbency
Metier Order book Bookcase Laser printer Ink-jet printer
Cabinet CPU UPS Projector Clipboard
Carbon paper Desk lamp Fax machine Photocopier Name plates
Notice board Stamp pad Letter opener Folders Colleague
Employee Flexitime Employer Equipment Apprentice
Teamwork In shifts Part time Full time Logistics
Personal computer Shredder Telephone Nurture Stapler
Calculator Hole- punch Highlighter Correction fluid Paper clips
Paper clip holder Tape Dispenser Business cards Calendar

The environment of workplace is very important, if it is peaceful then a person is more productive and can concentrate more towards his work.

Some companies have introduced flexitime at workplace i.e. that working hours are fixed but starting time and ending time can be chosen by the employee. In some workplaces you can work in shifts or for full time or can work as part time.

The company should nurture its employees so they can work more.

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