Writing accurate spelling is a significant part of the process of learning to write at primary school. Year 7 spellings are a bit complicated, so children need to work hard to learn them.
Tricks for learning spellings
- Write down the spellings and learn. The process of writing down the words by hand engraves the spellings in children minds.
- Play spelling games instead of wasting time on other games.
- Keep revising at different intervals throughout the day.
Spelling Words for Year 7 Kids
Abandon | Abbreviation | Absence |
Absorb | Abundant | Accessible |
Accomplishment | Accurate | Achievement |
Adequate | Adjustable | Admit |
Advice | Advise | Afghan |
Alternative | Amusement | Analysis |
Ancestor | Anniversary | Appreciate |
Assistance | Association | Athlete |
Attendance | Authority | Bacteria |
Absolutely | Accompanied | Acres |
Admittance | Alternate | Analyze |
Artificial | Atmosphere | Bagel |
Baggage | Benefited | Benefiting |
Biscuit | Bizarre | Boulevard |
Bouquet | Brilliant | Brochure |
Bureau | Campaign | Cancellation |
Capable | Capital | Capitol |
Celery | Cemetery | Changeable |
Character | Cinnamon | Civilize |
Committed | Committee | Commotion |
Competent | Competition | Complement |
Compliment | Compressor | Concentrate |
Bicycle | Boundary | Bulletin |
Candidate | Category | Chaperone |
Commercial | Companion | Complex |
Conductor | Confetti | Congratulations | |
Controlling | Cringe | Culminate | |
Deceive | Delayed | Democracy | |
Descendent | Description | Diameter | |
Discourage | Disgraceful | Dismissal | |
Dreadful | Economics | Economy | |
Embarrass | Emotion | Emphasize | |
Enclosing | Encounter | Endurance | |
Environment | Episode | Erosion | |
Evident | Exchange | Executive | |
Consequently | Concentration | Culprit | |
Deodorant | Diamond | Distinguished | |
Elementary | Encircle | Engineer |
Expensive | Extinct | Extinguish |
Extremely | Fabricate | Failure |
Fatigue | Flagrant | Foreign |
Frequently | Fundamental | Genuine |
Gossiping | Gradual | Graffiti |
Grievance | Guarantee | Harass |
Heroic | Hesitate | Horrify |
Humid | Humility | Hygiene |
Idle | Idol | Illegal |
Imaginary | Immediately | Immobilize |
Inconvenient | Incredible | Individual |
Extraordinary | Fascinating | Forfeit |
Ghetto | Havoc | Hospital |
Identical | Illustration | Infamous |
Influence | Informant | Inhabit |
Innocence | Innocent | Instructor |
Interruption | Introduction | Involvement |
Irresistible | Jealousy | Judgment |
Kettle | Knitting | Laboratory |
Legibly | Liquidation | Management |
Media | Mileage | Miniature |
Morale | Mortgage | Movement |
Musician | Mysterious | Negotiate |
Nuisance | Nurture | Oases |
Inherit | Intelligent | Juvenile |
Language | Misbehaved | Nervous |
Oasis | Murmur | Maneuver |
Obedient | Obstacle | Obviously |
Ordinarily | Ordinary | Organization |
Panic | Panicked | Panicky |
Paralysis | Paralyze | Penicillin |
Phantom | Pheasant | Phrase |
Popular | Precipitation | Principal |
Privilege | Procedure | Pronunciation |
Puny | Qualified | Qualifying |
Raspberry | Reasonable | Receipt |
Occasion | Pamphlet | Parallel |
Pedestrian | Politely | Principle |
Psychology | Quotation | Receiving |
Recipe | Recognition | Recommend |
Reddest | Reprimand | Resigned |
Rotten | Sandwich | Scarcity |
Secretary | Securing | Significance |
Sincerely | Sincerity | Situation |
Slumber | Smudge | Solemn |
Spacious | Specific | Stationary |
Statistics | Subscription | Substitute |
Supervisor | Supposedly | Threatening |
Recruit | Restaurant | Scenery |
Simile | Skeptical | Souvenir |
Stationery | Superintendent | Tolerate |
Tongue | Tournament | Tragedy |
Transferred | Transferring | Transmitted |
Traveling | Unfortunately, | Uniform |
Unnecessary | Valuable | Various |
Version | Vertical | Victim |
Violation | Visualize | Volcano |
Wealthy | Weapon | Wheeze |
Traitor | Traveled | University |
Vehicle | Vigorously | Voyage |
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