100 Business English Vocabulary Words A to Z with Meaning

Business or corporate sectors and their healthy culture keep the employees and other staff motivated. It will also help them to increase productivity by keeping them happy and satisfied.

The businesses and corporate sectors also keep up with regular employee engagement activities so that they do not feel overburdened with work and no other activity. Hence work culture is something that needs to be paid proper attention.

Business Vocabulary Words List for Corporate

Following is a list of common words related to the field of business in a corporate environment:

Words Meaning
pivotal being of crucial importance
prolific intellectually productive
articulate express or state clearly
proliferation a rapid increase in the number
divisive causing or characterized by disagreement or disunity
destitute poor enough to need help from others
eminent standing above others in quality or position
inevitable incapable of being avoided or prevented
exaggerated to represent something in an excessive manner.
insistent repetitive and persistent  


reconnaissance the act of scouting
contemplation a calm, lengthy, intent consideration
propelling tending to or capable of propelling
repellent serving or tending to cause aversion
digress turn aside from the main subject of attention
tarnish make or become dirty or spotty


dissent a difference of opinion
towering of imposing height; especially standing out above others
evince give expression to
execrable of very poor quality or condition
forestall keep from happening or arising; make impossible
indite produce a literary work
interpolate insert words into texts, often falsifying it thereby
harp a chordophone with strings between the neck and the soundbox
paved covered with a firm surface
cite make reference to


genesis a coming into being
elicit deduce or construe
upsurge a sudden or abrupt strong increase
conscientious characterized by extreme care and great effort
laudable worthy of high praise
impetus a force that makes something happen
confederate united in a league
aggravating making worse
palatable acceptable to the taste or mind
impunity exemption from punishment or loss


archaic so extremely old as seeming to belong to an earlier period
ubiquitous being present everywhere at once
epitomize embody the essential characteristics of
conglomerate collect or gather
prudent marked by sound judgment
dexterity adroitness in using the hands
mull reflect deeply on a subject
intrigue cause to be interested or curious


heed careful attention
riveting capable of arousing and holding the attention
startled excited by sudden surprise or alarm and making a quick involuntary movement
inexplicable incapable of being explained or accounted for
immaculate completely neat and clean
notorious known widely and usually unfavorably
consummate perfect and complete in every respect
incorrigible impervious to correction by punishment


veteran a person who has served in the armed forces
subtle difficult to detect or grasp by the mind or analyze
redact prepare for publication by correcting, revising, or adapting
digressive tending to depart from the main point or cover a wide range of subjects
pervasive spreading or spread throughout
confined being in captivity
disparate fundamentally different or distinct in quality or kind
envisage form a mental image of something that is not present
excerpt a passage selected from a larger work


toil work hard
accord concurrence of opinion
concede give over
exponential a function in which an independent variable is a power
provenance where something originated or was nurtured
descent a movement downward
contention a dispute where there is strong disagreement  
imminent close in time; about to occur
synergistic working together for an enhanced effect
refute prove to be false or incorrect
dubious fraught with uncertainty or doubt
disposition a natural or acquired habit or characteristic tendency
multitude a large indefinite number
reminiscent serving to bring to mind
patriarch the male head of family or tribe
Conclusion: You must keep learning new words that are related to different worlds of our society it keep us well informed and educated.

For a quick revision of some of the words you can download the following image.

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