Most of us don’t know the English words ending with suffix -gry except the words angry and hungry. Therefore we have this vocabulary building guide for you.
We have got a list of English words ending with suffix -gry and there are a total of more than 100 of them. Words have been alphabetically sorted from A to Z.
List of Words Ending in GRY
- Affect-hungry
- Aggry
- Agry
- Ahungry
- Air-hungry
- Anhungry
- Badagry
- Ballingry
- Begry
- Bewgry
- Boroughmongry
- Bowgry
- Braggry
- Bugry
- Chockpugry
- Cogry
- Cony-gry
- Conyngry
- Cottagry
- Croftangry
- Diamond-hungry
- Dog-hungry
- Dogge-hungry
- Dshagry
- Dzagry
- Eard-hungry
- Echanuggry
- Egry
- Ever-angry
- Fenegry
- Fire-angry
- Gagry
- Girl-hungry
- Gonagry
- Gry
- Haegry
- Half-angry
- Heart-hungry
- Higry pigry
- Hogry
- Hogrymogry
- Hongry
- Hound-hungry
- Houngry
- Huggrymuggry
- Hund-hungry
- Hungry bungry
- Hwngry
- Iggry
- Jagry
- Job-hungry
- Kaingry
- Land-hungry
- Langry
- Leather-hungry
- Ledderhungry
- Life-hungry
- Lisnagry
- Losengry
- Macloingry
- Mad-angry
- Mad-hungry
- Magry
- Malgry
- Man-hungry
- Mawgry
- Meagry
- Meat-hungry
- Menagry
- Messagry
- Music-hungry
- Nangry
- Newgry
- Overangry
- Pelegry
- Pingry
- Podagry
- Pongry
- Pottingry
- Power-hungry
- Profit-hungry
- Puggry
- Pugry
- Red-angry
- Rungry
- Scavengry
- Schtschigry
- Seagry
- Self-angry
- Selfe-angry
- Sensation-hungr
- y Sex-angry
- Sex-hungry
- Shchigry
- Shiggry
- Shtchigry
- Sight-hungry
- Skugry
- Sygry
- Tangry
- Tchangry
- Tchigry
- Tear-angry
- Th’angry
- Ulgry
- Unangry
- Vergry
- Vigry
- Yird-hungry
- Ymagry
Now, You know the words. So your next task is to practice these words in both writing and speaking to understand their use. Till the time you master these words you can use this post as your reference.
Keep exploring EnglishBix to learn about more prefixes and suffixes in English.
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