Here we’ll be discussing three commonly confused English usage go, went and gone. And see the correct usage along with example sentences.
Let’s see some examples before starting.
Correct : I go to the market.
Correct : I went to the party
Correct : He has gone to Delhi.
After looking at these simple examples you’ll notice one thing that go and went can stand alone while ‘gone’ needs an extra verb like ‘has’ to stand in the sentence, which states that they are used differently which is what we have to see. So, let’s discuss how to use these three words correctly.
When to Use ‘Go’ in Sentence
The simple two letter word ‘go’ is used to write sentence in present tense and to represent an action of motion from one place to another.
5 examples of sentences using “go”:
- I go to gym everyday.
- I need to go.
- You must go to your home.
- Go to your place.
- Go and do the work.
When to Use ‘Went’ in Sentence
Went a four-letter word is the past tense form of go and used to represent action happened in the past.
5 examples of sentences using “went”:
- She went to India.
- I went to the grocery store.
- He went beyond his limits.
- I went there to see what they were doing.
- They went with their friends.
When to Use ‘Gone’ in Sentence
Gone is derived from go and it is the past participle form of go, therefore it requires an auxiliary verb such as has, have etc. to be used in a sentence.
5 examples of sentences using “gone”:
- He is gone to market.
- We have never gone beyond this point.
- He has gone on a trip.
- He has gone to India.
- This fruit has gone bad.
Try replacing these phrases with one another and you’ll see that sentences will sound untidy.
For example :
Correct : My strength is all gone.
Wrong : My strength is all went.
Let us see a sentence using ‘go’ and ‘went’ together.
Example : I go to that shop everyday but went to the shopping mart for the first time.
After understanding the usages of present and past tense and what are auxiliary verbs we can understand the difference between ‘go’, ‘went’ and ‘gone’
Now, You know the rules and where to use them. So your next task is to practice these words in both writing and speaking to understand their use. Till the time you master these words you can use this post as your reference.
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